A subreddit epose of retailer Wayfair highlights some suspect product pricing and naming. Child trafficking? While media outlets like Newsweek are dismissing this as a “Pizzagate style” conspiracy theory, there’s definitely something fishy about this. Wayfairer’s explanations about “gltches” and high-end products “temporarily removed” aren’t entirely reassuring. Read Newsweek’s skeptical […]
Editor’s Comment
Former New Zealand Prime Minister and UN advisor Helen Clark has her steely eyes on Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the WHO. They messed up and she’s here to see the agenda put back on track! by Martin Harris 11/7/20 Ostensibly, she has been tasked with what she describes as […]
Peterson interview tells all! Described as the closest thing psychology has to a rock star, Jordan Peterson rose to celebrity status after his opposition to Canadian “Bill C16” which cost him his teaching job. His criticism of Socialism and Communist ideologies made him both a hero of the Right and […]
It’s a fair question, is it not? by Martin Harris 22/6/20 It seems to be the trend right now to knock down statues of notable figures deemed to be evil. Especially those who have been involved in slavery and colonization (domination). So how about of the symbol of all evil, […]
Isn’t this just typical? All the toppled statues of crooked and allegedly-crooked personages in recent weeks, and a statue of Lenin is Ok? I remember a time not so long ago when it was statues of oppressive and murderous Communists being toppled. When do we get statues of Stalin raised […]
Plague, locusts, floods and war…Is the Chinapocalypse here? by Martin Harris 20/6/2020 In defiance of the edict “don’t feed the trolls”, this author takes delight in doing just that. I feed them with calm, logical argument. While they’re engaging me they’re leaving someone else alone, and it’s a great way […]
How quickly the tide has turned! Martin Harris 17/6/20 Mere days ago Ardern and her “weekly COVID Briefing” sidekick Bloomfield were the darlings of the Mainstream Media, now the Press has turned on them: Bloomfield taking the Beehive Back Door to avoid the questions. After the totalitarian lockdowns we all […]
Are you sitting comfortably children? Then let’s begin. by Martin Harris 14/6/20 A long time ago, in the early 1980’s there was a little country called New Zealand. Up until the early years of that decade, NZ had been a rather secluded and tranquil place, famous for it’s sheep, spectacular […]
Ignorance is slavery. Knowledge is empowerment. And the truth will set you free. Toppling statues and burning books do not change the past, they simply obscure it. Rewriting narratives may alter perceptions, but it does not change facts. If we do not learn the facts, do not learn from history. […]
I have a masochistic streak. Only explanation for my obsession with TV news. Drives me mad, but I can’t stop watching. by Martin Harris 9/6/20 Tonight was little different from any other night on the news. Propaganda, misinformation, diversion and extreme bias in reporting as per norm. TV One headlined […]