We wouldn’t call John Key “John”. We wouldn’t call Simon Bridges “Simon”. We don’t call Andrew Little “Andrew” so why oh why this insistence on calling the encumbent Prime Minister “Jacinda” as if we all knew her personally? by Martin Harris Surely this “Jacinda” first-name-terms business is all part of […]
Editor’s Comment
Is the Moon tectonically active, or is something else causing cracks to appear on the Lunar surface? Researchers from Brown’s University, studying current and archival NASA images, have discovered ridges topped with freshly exposed boulders that indicate our Moon is still “alive”. What’s causing these ridges and exposed rock? It […]
Bills with wide -ranging implications, “Blunderbus Bills”, are being pushed through under cover of COVID-19 response. One such bill is the “COVID-19 response Further Management Bill” https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_97676/covid-19-response-further-management-measures-legislation “Omnibus bills are the sawn-off shotgun in Parliament’s legislative weapons rack, and like a blunderbuss are designed to impact as widely as possible. “ […]
Who remembers Happy Days? Not pre-quarantine life. The TV show. by Martin Harris All the buzz-talk here in NZ about social “bubbles” reminded me of a great episode of this TV show (Season#1 Ep.#8) in which impressionable teenagers Richie Cunningham and Potsie hear from their buddy Ralph about a burlesque […]
The New World Order agenda isn’t even being hidden anymore. Joe Biden is the latest and loudest voice to promote COVID 19 as rather handy and convenient opportunity to embrace a Chinese-style police state with open arms. by Martin Harris “And I truly think, if we do this right, we […]
This is not a leg-pull! Over the past few days various alt. news and social media platforms have been buzzing with two rather satanic and unlikely sounding tidbits of trivia, usually mentioned in the same breath. But is it just fake news or for real? by Martin Harris with thanks […]
I recently received correspondence containing the following “evaluation” of the COVID19 scenario, which reaches the conclusion that “All roads lead to China” as being the culprit in the deliberate spread of SARS-cov 2 as an act of sabotage upon Western economies. In other words, an act of assymetric warfare. I […]
Not sure how much credence to place in the following story. One always tends to be wary of un-named sources (“a US official” is a rather broad identification, could mean an intelligence disinformation agent). Further into the report we have ” an unnamed government official” on the DKPR side. ..even […]
In 2010,The Rockefeller Foundation published a report which contained a portrayal of four hypothetical “near future” geopolitical scenarios. One of these scenarios, titled The Lock Step Narrative, sounds spine-chillingly familiar. by Martin Harris 21/4/2020 I will provide both a link to the report and screenshots of the relevant portions. The […]
I’ll keep this short and sweet and to the point. Logic will prevail. by Martin Harris 18/4.2020 There has been considerable speculation from the very start of the SARS-cov 2 outbreak, based on sound thinking and circumstantial evidence, that the source of virus was not the Wuhan wet-food market, but […]