Following a catastrophically unconvincing BBC interview, Epstein associate Prince Andrew has well and truly fallen from whatever remaining grace was left. The body language analyses have already begun to surface, like this for example: One doesn’t have to be a body language expert to see the poor acting, or to […]
Editor’s Comment
So it begins. While millions of Americans tuned in, I didn’t watch the first impeachment showdown, and neither did Trump. Opinion by Martin Harris 14/11/19 The fact that the man at the center of this inquiry didn’t bother to watch the proceedings tells much. The little segment shown on NZ […]
Here’s one of many reasons why I like Classic Cars: I control it, not someone else! There have been too many cases of supposedly “safe” computer-reliant cars mysteriously losing control. These modern cars are too easily hacked. MH A Hobart man deliberately downloaded and set up an online application that […]
Following the truth we’ve bringing you about the reality of the “Leftist utopia” Sweden, here’s a couple of stories that indicate how the 2030 Agenda driven super-taxated nation is slowly rotting from within. Both stories courtesy of RT (because Western media seems reticent to promote these stories). Swedish police alarmed […]
This is the censorship-mad Left at their most hypocritical and repulsive. Oh, but the act depicted in the following incident is OK, they say, because A: it’s fake and B: God and Satan don’t exist. Hmmm…I’d say this level of sickening performance indicates that the concepts of good and evil, […]
Either it’s a master stroke or a master hoax. Who remembers the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden? by Martin Harris Yes, the demise of Bin Laden was a murky tale if ever there was one! The “fog of war” changing story, the lack of a corpse to identify (“burial […]
And what about the oil? A win for the Deep State also? by Martin Harris 25/10/19 Three years ago, I wrote a short commentary on the Syria situation with regards to the role of the new-at-the-time president, Donald Trump. This author expressed a combination of relief (imagine how a Hillary […]
Better than Ardern: Deepest respect to Donald Trump for this good deed! The Trump administration on Monday blacklisted eight Chinese companies whose products are used in the surveillance of Uighur Muslims in Western China. By ADAM BEHSUDI and DOUG PALMER 10/07/2019 06:18 PM EDT The order bans U.S. companies from […]
The dark side of the Climate Change Agenda is emerging. We’ve seen hints of this before with the euthanasia and abortion push. Now they’re getting bolder. Note that while the “let’s eat babies” lady in the video clip was clearly trolling, Ocasio-Cortez can clearly be seen nodding. An academic in […]
There is a deep contrast between what’s happening in Hong Kong and the growing Extinction Rebellion protest movement. The former fights for democracy, the latter fights to subvert it. Opinion by Martin Harris First, there’s the Hong Kong situation: What would you do if a credible and immediate threat to […]