“Trumped up” charges and desperate law-bending to attempt impeachment indicate a desperate attack on the POTUS. How did it come to this point? Here’s the full time line of events. By Martin Harris 30/9/19 NZ time The shock victory: Defeating Democrat candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Donald J. Trump wins the […]
Editor’s Comment
Read the following article and “new” theory carefully. Read between the lines. But first here’s my thoughts: This subject is something I’ve encountered before with regards to many ancient civilisations. Climate change (usually cooling) is linked to a downfall. This has nothing to do with human induced climate change and […]
Synchronicity at work or a co-ordinated attack by the Globalist NWO? As Trump faces impeachment in the US, Bojo faces a shutdown legality attack as the left throws everything in it’s path to thwart Brexit. MH ProductiehuisEU UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has launched an extraordinary assault on Remainer MPs […]
Never one to miss an opportunity to cause a stir, Trump breezed into the UN Climate Summit like a shark entering a pool of minnows. It was little Greta’s reaction though, that caught the media’s attention. by Martin Harris 24/9/19 I guess when you have a hulk-sized security guard hovering […]
This is great to hear, especially when it’s being reported by the Climate Narrative supporting MSM sources! …trouble is, when these “hopefuls” get voted into the hot-seat, they often get indoctrinated by the UN Agenda 2030 machine. We can only hope. MH. From The Press (Stuff/Fairfax) A quarter of Christchurch’s […]
Conspire: Literally to “breathe together”. To collude. And that is exactly what the NZ mainstream media did this week with regards to the climate change/global warming narrative. So here’s our response. by Martin Harris 20/9/19 The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre and TVNZ locked arms this […]
Saudi Arabia’s energy minister said that its oil supplies had resumed and that its oil market would be “fully back online” by the end of September following attacks which Washington blames on Iran while Riyadh is still probing. RTTue, 17 Sep 2019 18:00 UTC Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told […]
In direct response to a recent influx of communications from victims of targeted electronic harassment/torture, and criticism for my supposed failure to offer practical support, here’s something practical that victims and sympathetic activists can do: How about turning those few hundred signatures into thousands? Martin Harris Petition Sign Up: For […]
The MSM is most excited, as they always are when “secret” documents are unleashed for all to see. Beware, for the hour of Yellowhammer draws nigh! In my opinion the Yellowhammer documents, while clearly real, show all the classic hallmarks of intelligence agency fearmongery. There’s even the obligatory blacked out […]
Trump At Work: Suck ’em in, chew ’em up, spit ’em out. To many it may seem as if Trump’s “you’re fired!” persona from his Apprentice TV days has spilled over into his political world. But to those in the know, his tactic is known as”draining the swamp”. yes, there […]