Variety is the spice of life, according to the time-honored saying. Amen to that, I say. It’s always a pleasure to discuss, debate, share, or simply just listen, with folk from all walks of life and all manner of beliefs and cultures. One learns, eventually, that apart from the “consensus” […]
Editor’s Comment
“Where will the Children play?” asked Cat Stevens (Yusuf) in his popular song from the 70s. The climate, like the times, is always changing, and as a parent, I ask myself the same question Cat did all those years ago. But discerning the truth about our changing environment and the […]
More MSM Censorship: FB is at it again! Lucas Nolan – Breibart Jan 18, 2019 Social media giant Facebook has allegedly refused to allow the upcoming Roe v. Wade film to run advertisements on its platform under the new “issues of national importance” rule, treating the movie as if it were a […]
Donald Trump to meet Kim Jong Un ‘within weeks’ for second nuclear summit, White House says James Morris Donald Trump is to hold a second summit with Kim Jong Un in February, the White House has confirmed. It follows the US president’s meeting with the North Korean leader in […]
Editor’s note: These two communications from our valued contributor, G Squared, make some sensational and extraordinary claims. But then, G Squared has access to many “insider” sources, so take heed, these are the writings of a well-informed individual! And, as always, do your research and “Think For Yourself”. I usually […]
Russia: Watch Successful Public Test-Launch of Avangard Hypersonic Missile Sputnik Published on Dec 26, 2018 “On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry, on instruction from Russian President Vladimir Putin, successfully test-fired the Avangard missile equipped with a hypersonic winged glider unit.” Martin Comments: Perhaps my Interocitor needs retuning, but I seem […]
It had to happen, and sooner rather than later. 11 years to go, and post-quake Christchurch is showing the way the future is likely to be if the UN and New World Order gangsters get their way: Sustainable apartment plan chosen for Crown-owned Christchurch site Homeowners could share cars and bikes […]
This is a real concern. These are pretty big drones we’re talking about, and they’ve now been buzzing Gatwick airport for several days, as the following report indicates: Mysterious drones near UK’s Gatwick Airport have shut down runways for almost 24 hours The army has been called in to help […]
We are the Little Folk-we!Too little to love or to hate.Leave us alone and you’ll seeHow we can drag down the State!-A Pict Song, Rudyard Kipling Philip M. GiraldiStrategic Culture FoundationFri, 14 Dec 2018 Belgium has joined the list of countries that are rebelling against their elected leadership. Over the […]
We call our city Christchurch. The Elites call it Gateway. Gateway to what? Let’s find out! By Martin Harris This blog continues from: Even before the devastating earthquakes that changed my home city forever, there were hints of something strange afoot. A local council obsession with Atlantean themed construction projects; […]