The history of the Modern Age is a powerful, authoritarian sweep. It began in its modern incarnation some 300 years ago – perhaps even longer. It is run by powerful banking families and their enablers and its goal is one world government. The concept of the Wolf State is […]
More and more people are becoming aware of the complete system failure we’re experiencing in the United States and around the globe. As the true nature of the control system is revealed, people tend to feel as Howard Beale did in Network when he said, “first, you’ve got to get […]
[youtube]D8B4-1I9Q98[/youtube] Richard Gage, AIA was the featured guest for 9.5 minutes during the morning TV talk show “Ireland:AM” on the popular mainstream TV3 channel which was broadcast throughout the country on 6/9/11. The producer also played most of the trailer of the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” which shows a […]
Journalists Fitzgerald and Gould do yeoman’s labor in clearing the fog and laying bare American failures in Afghanistan in this deeply researched, cogently argued and enormously important book. The authors demonstrate how closely American actions are tied to past miscalculations & how U.S. policy has placed Afghans and Americans in […]
[ If you haven’t seen this – then it’s two minutes of your life well spent ] An animated interview of John Perkins, author of ‘HoodWinked’ and ‘Confessions Of An Economic Hitman’ [youtube]n7Fzm1hEiDQ[/youtube]
There’s quite a lot of fun to be had in mapping our current economic woes on to John Kenneth Galbraith’s interpretations and criticisms of capitalism, first published in 2004. One of the many “frauds” that he says capitalism foists on us is that of “accepted fraud”, whereby shareholders in a […]
[ Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo unpacks it for you some here : ] [youtube]mKcaX01_rSg[/youtube] [ & here’s the whole full fireside chat : ] [youtube]YGAaPjqdbgQ[/youtube]
The AMERICAN DREAM is a fun 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. [youtube]tGk5ioEXlIM[/youtube] All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. […]
Did you know that governments can and do ask YouTube to remove certain videos? The US and the UK are the biggest customers of this “service.” How it works: Video : – Brasscheck