…Because there’s always an agenda behind the headlines! Opinion by Martin Harris 21/4/21 COVID bubbles and Climate Emergencies, step aside, please: Earthquakes are back on the menu, at least here in NZ. The sudden flurry of Mainstream News interest is triggered by a new report that increases the statistical likelihood […]
The following is the complete first chapter from the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Feel free to copy and share generously! By Peter A. Kirby According to all relevant United States federal government organizations, chemtrails do not exist and are a conspiracy theory. They say the white lines in […]
Project Veritas did the work, Zerohedge and Iowa Climate Institute pick up on the story, with a bomshell interview exposing the “mind” of CNN. “Fear sells”. ‘We Were Creating A Story — Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out’: CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative BY TYLER DURDENTUESDAY, APR […]
I wish that heading was a joke. It isn’t. by Martin Harris 9/4/21 What a bizarre, almost Monty-Pythonesque week it has been. The grand announcement here in Southern Hemisphere that the Aussie-NZ COVID “travel bubble” is imminent met with a wave of euphoria, tinged with a hint of confusion as […]
In 1920, Scientific American reported that the atmosphere was deficient in CO2, and that crop productivity could be greatly enhanced by introducing CO2 emissions from from smokestacks, and that earth was covered with luxuriant forests when CO2 levels were much higher. Tony HellerReal Climate ScienceSun, 04 Apr 2021 © Real Climate Science Fertilizing […]
In 1979 scientist Eric Spurr warned that wide scale poisoning of New Zealand with compound 1080, intended to kill introduced mammals, was actually killing kea and many other animals. It took decades before NZ’s Department of Conservation (DoC) finally began to monitor kea deaths from 1080 poisoning. Dr Jo Pollard, […]
Huxley would be taking his life into his hands if he openly called for eugenics, so he called the movement instead environmentalism. Genocide is a Keystone of Globalism COVID VACCINES ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & COULD WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE (DR VERNON COLEMAN) Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines […]
Protecting public and environmental health even with a lack of evidence of damage from new products and processes is the foundation for the Precautionary Principle. So what happens when the scientific evidence on the dangers of wireless radiation is proven, but public health and safety agencies ignore it? Environmental Health […]
The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset. by Ice Age Farmer | Mar 25, 2021 | Podcast Download (mp3): FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/03/25/suez-canal-blocked-a-worst-case-scenario-for-global-trade/ bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YP5YyBoj6QAu/ SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: https://bitchute.com/iceagefarmerOn […]
Nothing in this world is Free. For everything there is a cost. Take away personal responsibility and let the government keep you? An analysis of UBI for your perusal. MH Henry Makow – March 12, 2021 Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income The snapshot below shows some of the […]