NOTE: This is a burning issue in NZ currently, a nation advertised as clean and green is anything but. They are poisoning our environment with greater intensity under the guise of saving birds. Folk visiting here should be warned & not drink water from the streams as many tourists do. One […]
This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government. The Conscious Resistance Network Presents: The 5G Trojan Horse Researched, Written, and Narrated by Derrick Broze Produced […]
The BBC announced Monday that they’re making a “documentary series” about the life of teenaged climate activist Greta Thunberg, and British taxpayers, who fund the BBC, are definitely not happy that their tax dollars are going to pay for “climate propaganda.” Emily Zanotti – The Daily Wire Feb 11, 2020 […]
Residents of Switzerland have been particularly vocal about their opposition especially after being exposed to it. Now the country has stopped the use of all new towers. (but read on…) February 12, 2020 By B.N. Frank UPDATE: A report by Silicon Republic, Feb. 14, reads in part: “While some cantons […]
Climate alarmism hits Mars ! In this instance NASA admits “nothing to see here”, and yet back on Earth, they’re playing the UN catastrophe tune. Here’s Paul Seaburn’s article from Mysterious Universe. MH Paul Seaburn February 5, 2020 For those hoping to one day escape climate change on Earth before […]
First fungi that eats plastic, now fungi that “eats” radiation. What next for the humble fungi? MH John VibesThe Mind UnleashedMon, 10 Feb 2020 09:04 UTC Certain types of fungi are attracted to radiation, and can actually neutralize radiation in certain environments. For a long time, scientists have known that […]
“100% Pure”? What a joke! Ben Vidgen paints a picture of a toxic environmental nightmare brewing in New Zealand’s South. MH WHATS NOT BEING REPORTED AND WHY 10 bullet points to sum up my twenty minute video. 1. My full report to date for those wanting more 2. Not just […]
No, not New Zealand! Tolkein set his fictional Middle Earth in the area we now call Northern Europe, in a land now long vanished, but once filled with different races and cultures, gigantic pachyderms, wolves, bears and saber-toothed monsters. Incredibly, such a place did exist, it is known as Doggerland, […]
Hard-hitting documentary reveals behind the scenes of Greta — Watch as her security roughs up reporter Keean Bexte of Rebel News travels to Stockholm to investigate Greta Thunberg’s origins and speak with Greta herself.
The Madness of Prince Charles. Talk about hypocrisy! Prince Charles was last night facing embarrassment after taking a series of private jet flights while lecturing world leaders about climate change. On a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, the Prince met activist Greta Thunberg and used […]