Now a 16 year old girl has the knowledge, wisdom and experience to endorse the actions of a “Climate Activist” group called The Extinction Rebellion, and everyone takes notice. Not a scientist, nor even a TV presenter with saint-like standing (see below), but a teenage girl. Yes, she’s smart, she’s […]
“We still think in terms of conquest. We still haven’t become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe. But man is a part of nature and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself. Now, I truly believe […]
The following article from Live Science addresses something that has quietly concerned me for some time: While the Pacific “Ring of Fire” became highly active in 2010-2011 and has remained busy ever since, California, which should have been shaking along with all the rest, has remained almost dormant, as this […]
I love natural solutions to environmental problems, especially plastic waste. This is a goodie: Magic Mushrooms! Elias MaratThe Mind UnleashedTue, 02 Apr 2019 00:00 UTC Whether we like it or not, our society has become completely reliant on plastic. From food preservation to water transportation, computer technology to healthcare and […]
Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects. The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L’Echo: “I cannot welcome […]
“Historians like to tell the story of back when all the computers were linked together to become a super computer that knows everything. They had a big ceremony where they turned on the computer and asked it a question no one has ever answered adequately. They turned the switch on […]
In 2020, Japan is inviting athletes from around the world to take part in the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are hoping for the games to be fair and peaceful. At the same time, we are worried about plans to host baseball and softball competitions in Fukushima City, just 50 km […]
The oft renewed ‘Flat Earth’ stupidity is derived from wrong interpretation of The 1569 Geradus Mercator Projection. The Loxodromic or Rhumb Lines Arc of Meridians of Longitude, essential to navigation. by G squared, 26/3/19 But then, if you weren’t dealing with US heards of non-educated, you could hardly pack a […]
This geothermal technology sounds awfully like Fracking, and clearly equally as dangerous! A South Korean government panel has concluded that a magnitude-5.4 earthquake that struck the city of Pohang on 15 November 2017 was probably caused by an experimental geothermal power plant. The panel was convened under presidential orders and […]
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday directed all departments to stop using a popular weed killer (Roundup) until more is known about its potential health and environmental effects. NBC Los AngelesWed, 20 Mar 2019 15:53 UTC Supervisor Kathryn Barger recommended the moratorium on glyphosate — a main ingredient […]