This story from the NYT really caught my attention. Chlorination is a BIG issue right now in Christchurch, with the City Council receiving more complaints on this than anything else, pretty much ever. WAKE UP NZ! With our waterways polluted by poor farming practices and drained by excessive irrigation, with […]
Most sensible thing our government has said in a long time. Personally I prefer Hydrogen Cell over electric/hybrid for the motor car of the future, so this seems like a positive step. So being a suspicious person I guess there must be something nefarious lurking behind it. “If it seems […]
Thai cave rescue: Window narrows before heavy rains Dr. Peter Lin: “And I wish we could do what they did in Beijing, which was they seeded the clouds to get rid of the rain for the Olympics. If we could seed these monsoon clouds, I don’t know if that’s possible, […]
Eight years ago it was all earthquakes, now it seems to be volcanic eruptions. Is this part of a sequence of major earth changes underway, and is this all natural, or does human intervention play a part? “Last Messages” has been covering these strange events for many years now. Here’s […]
More awakened opinions from the MSM? What is the world coming to! NZ Herald reports on the dangers of blue LED lighting. By: Juha Saarinen Tech writer for NZ Herald. COMMENT: Let me to introduce you to ALAN. The acronym stands for Artificial Light At Night, and there is […]
Hats off to author Gerard Tidmarsh, a well balanced, common sense article from the MSM! (Personally I think the labour Government is doing the right thing by calling an end to oil exploration in NZ waters. what do you think?) Is seismic testing a contributory factor in making whales strand? […]
Must Read! Author Trevor Ward has a Finance background which gives him an understanding of the mechanics of Carbon Trading, and of course it’s all about the profit! The Blood & Gore of Climate Science By Trevor Ward So how did the campaign start to brand Carbon Dioxide (CO2) “environmental […]
Let’s face it: We need all the trees we can get. Better for the planet than all the carbon taxes and smoke and mirrors “solutions” that trade one source of pollution for another. Always good to bring you some positive news from unexpected areas and sources: The ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’ […]
The difference between Hawai’is Puna Geothermal Venture and Fracking is a matter of terminology, and hence is a potential cause or trigger for the recent eruptions, as Jon Rappoport reports: Rappoport on Coast to Coast AM: the Hawaii volcano Why isn’t the press connecting fracking and the Hawaii volcano […]
The Magnitude quoted is all over the place: 5.9; 5.3; 6.1…. ….That’s quite a range of options! Here’s some info from around the ‘net: Magnitude 5.9 earthquake hits Osaka; no tsunami warning issued ARIRANG NEWS Published on Jun 17, 2018 Kiwi caught in Japan earthquake describes ‘carnage’ A road in […]