Foreign firm allowed to bottle millions of litres of water a day from Christchurch aquifers CHARLIE MITCHELL , documents show. The Belfast plant would be the second-largest water-bottling operation in the country in terms of allocated usage. It comes amid political pressure over the lightly-regulated water-bottling industry, which allows companies […]

With all the bad news (as usual) being featured in the mainstream news about ocean pollution, all in the name of Climate Change scaremongering, it’s good to know about something that, if it lives up to it’s promise, is positively wonderful: The Ocean Cleanup! Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage […]

News May 7, 2017 1:01 pm Source:Neon Nettle The Japanese Government has been ordered to pay tens of millions in compensation after it was found guilty of negligence causing the Fukushima nuclear disaster.Reports also claim that the ruling could also include other pacific nations like the US who could also be […]

Thanks to Rose at the Con Trail for this one. Source is Jim Lee. Even mentions Barium Titanate, the magic ingredient in the Chemtrail/weather mod/holography brew. Researchers take note, this is pure gold.   Thanks Jim Lee The North Western Courier 1951 Weather Modification History Caterpillar found to eat shopping bags, suggesting biodegradable solution to plastic pollution April 24, 2017 Scientists have found that a caterpillar commercially bred for fishing bait has the ability to biodegrade polyethylene: one of the toughest and most used plastics, frequently found clogging up landfill sites in the form […]
