Archaeology shocker: Study claims humans reached the Americas 130,000 years ago The Washington Post Sarah Kaplan Some 130,000 years ago, scientists say, a mysterious group of ancient people visited the coastline of what is now Southern California. More than 100,000 years before they were supposed to have arrived in the […]
Looks like alternative archeaoligists like Graham Hancock, Velikovsky, DS Allen & JB Delair, David Hatcher Childress etc, can feel vindicated. Wait for the backlash, or for some institution to claim the glory for themselves. Ancient stone carvings confirm how comet struck Earth in 10,950BC, sparking the rise of civilisations […]
Thanks to Saru G at for the heads up. Water is rapidly becoming the new oil:
For those who think the Arctic ice is not melting March 24, 2017 Announcents page, Paul Craig Robert’s BlogSpot: Apocalypse Tourism? Cruising the Melting Arctic Ocean Come aboard! Let’s sail the once-impenetrable Northwest Passage. By Katie Orlinsky and Eva Holland | September 8, 2016 Photographs by Katie Orlinsky From […]
This new solar-powered device can pull water straight from the desert air By Robert ServiceApr. 13, 2017 , 2:00 PM You can’t squeeze blood from a stone, but wringing water from the desert sky is now possible, thanks to a new spongelike device that uses sunlight to suck water vapor […]
There is a tremendous amount of focus on Antarctica in the Alternative Media at the moment, and as usual with hot topics, there’s everything from aliens, to lost civilisations, to hidden underground bases and bunkers for the elite. This recent presentation seems to provide some clarity amid the speculation. […]
As an interesting diversion from current events, readers might be interested in this fascinating interview with one of the most extraordinary minds of the Twentieth Century: Architect, socialist and maverick, Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright was 88 when this interview took place in the 1950s and clearly still possessed a sharp […]
Greenpeace says it has today intercepted the world’s biggest seismic blasting ship, the Amazon Warrior, off the Wairarapa coast. The environmental group said its New Zealand executive director Russel Norman, on board Greenpeace vessel Taitu, had made a call through to the ship’s master, demanding the ship stop seismic blasting […]
Graham Hancock at his finest.
An epic treasure trove of geoengineering history, With much gratitude to Rose at The Con Trail: Did you ever wonder how long weather modification had been taking place? This is posted for those that have that question. Below you will find a selection of links, perhaps sending one each […]