[ nice to see that some still currently have electricity ] Article
Here is a great article just posted by David Icke.com describing very nicely what is really going on with the Christchurch earthquakes. This needs to be spread far and wide around the NZ people and media. https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=197826 Permalink Reply by jeffrey goober wefferson 5 hours ago HERE IS MY LATEST ‘GEO-TERRORISM’ UP-DATE […]
One of the most colorful theories comes from Gen. Hamid Gul, former director of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI. He insists that 9/11 was staged by Israel’s Mossad and a cabal of rightwing US Air Force generals. I inspected the ruins of the New York’s Twin Towers, atop which I […]
Robert Kelly: The IAEA should allow peer review of its data, Iran should resolve outstanding questions [youtube]dhODekZoUME[/youtube]
The United States has pledged to join an EU-led effort to develop a space “code of conduct” that would set out rules for orbiting spacecraft and for mitigating the growing problem of debris. [ … a problem examined brilliantly in this here documentary ] [youtube]JmOcJ_MBsA8[/youtube]. . Read the rest here
In 2009, the Guardian ran an article and video documenting the unbelievably high rate of birth defects in Fallujah following the US use of heavy munitions in 2005. [ … as seen here ] [youtube]EIwJSWKLdT0[/youtube] In one hospital alone, the rate was close to 25% — more than four times […]
A Russian spacecraft designed to burnish the nation’s faded space glory in a mission to one of Mars’ moons has turned into one of the heaviest, most toxic pieces of space junk ever. It will come crashing down to Earth in just a few days. [ oh, terrific ] The […]
Monsanto is not simply a company who sells genetically modified products to those seeking them. This massive corporation is actually very much involved with the passing and proposals of regulations concerning the very GM ingredients they are responsible for. You may think those helping to pass the GMO bills truly […]
[ yep … bullets go right through you. My advice ? Don’t even f#@&ing be over there. ] After suffering major military and political defeats in bloody ground wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, (above) failing to buttress long-standing clients in Yemen, Egypt and Tunisia [ It’s a good picture […]
When the small British mill town of Todmorden, tucked in between Yorkshire and Lancashire, first began installing fruit and vegetable gardens all around the area as part of the Incredible Edible program, it likely had no idea that the novel, yet simple, concept would make the town a foremost inspirational […]