The U.S. Empire includes 750-1,000 military bases in more than 130 countries. The reality of that extensive military empire has come to the forefront in Bahrain, where the authoritarian government in that country is cracking down on protestors with round-ups, jail, torture, and even extra-judicial execution. Of course, it’s a […]
Government buildings are reported to be on fire in the Libyan capital Tripoli as demonstrators demand an end to the 41-year rule of Colonel Gaddafi. [youtube]NXiTuxqRk2Y[/youtube] The son of the Libyan leader blamed opposition groups and outsiders for instigating the protests. The army is reported to be using live ammunition […]
As the war in Afghanistan enters its final chapter, Sean Smith’s brutal film from the Helmand frontline shows the horrific chaos of a stalemate that is taking its toll in blood. Warning: contains distressing scenes and strong language. Warning – Battle scenes are live and very graphic. Sean Smith’s […]
[youtube]a0ICDvB1QXg[/youtube] Latest figures show the death toll from clashes in Libya’s massive popular uprising against long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi is nearing 300. Reports have put the number of people killed in the country’s second largest city, Benghazi at more than 200 over the past days. Hospital officials, however, estimate that […]
In a world full of madness and chaos, you’ve got to keep your sense of humor or else you’ll go friggin’ nuts. The Vinny Eastwood Show is on the “cutting edge” of where the media is going. Armed with a camera and an amazing sense of humour Vinny aka Mr. […]
by Philippe Gigantes. This is an interesting book by an interesting man, someone who has served in the Royal Navy and the Canadian Senate and government, someone who has been a reporter for the Observer. This purposefully short book is not a history per se but a study of power, […]
Award-winning journalist John Pilger investigates the discrepancies between American and British claims for the ‘war on terror’ and the facts on the ground as he finds them in Afghanistan and Washington, DC. [youtube]hI6DRJXUYOQ[/youtube]
Source: State-owned coalminer Solid Energy has released figures that show its planned lignite to liquid fuel operation is likely to produce double the greenhouse emissions of standard diesel in New Zealand. In November 2010, the company initially refused WWF-New Zealand’s Official Information Act (OIA) request for their comparison of […]
[ … anyone speak Arabic ? ] عبد اللطيف المناوى رئيس قطاع الاخبار المصرى اثناء اخذ الجيش له بعد طرده من قبل من المتظاهرين له امام مكتبه داخل التلفزيون المصرى [youtube]8C4APRUKYSo[/youtube]