Pure evil. The world turned a blind eye for too long. Falung Gong practicioners tried to tell us. Alt.Media exposed it and were labelled “Conspiracy theorists”. Now, the China Tribunal has confirmed the horror and extent of this monstrous crime against humanity. What say you now, Socialists? MH “The China […]
Since the initial rally on June 9 protestors in Hong Kong have kept the pressure on Posted 17 June 201911:33 GMT Written byOiwan Lam Global Voices Despite Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s promise to suspend the legislation of the extradition (amendment) bill on June 15 after a series of clashes […]
The dominos are falling. At least the potential health risks of 5G are being taken seriously; and underlying that issue is the Global mass surveillance/Social Credit agenda. Time to put the brakes on and start asking questions indeed! MH Julian RosePoland June 10, 2019 By Julian Rose In what is […]
It was inevitable: Euthenasia and organ harvesting all part of the NWO agenda. As I’ve pointed out in several self-authored blogs, we’ve been conditioned for several decades now to accept the idea of our flesh and blood bodies as mere “containers” to be harvested. My thanks to Jordan B. Peterson […]
Have the protestors won? Sure seems that way, but there’s always room for suspicion. This victory was almost too easy! The Guardian June 15, 2019 Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie Lam, has suspended indefinitely efforts to pass a controversial new extradition law, after a week of mass protests and street violence […]
YouTube has removed a video which details how Pinterest actively suppressed conservative viewpoints on its website, sparking accusations that the Silicon Valley tech giants are working in concert to silence speech they don’t like. RTThu, 13 Jun 2019 17:21 UTC YouTube has removed a video which details how Pinterest actively […]
The vast majority of Americans have no idea of Big Tech’s massive drive to make digital slaves out of every urban dweller. Smart street lights will often be at the heart of data collection and coordination. ⁃ TN Editor Posted By: Laura Valkovic June 9, 2019 Such a benign and […]
Powerful and condemning. Newsroom’s Melanie Reid was on the scene to witness the underhanded behavior, the lies, the deception and the heartbreaking mistreatment of mother and baby. Horrifying to think this takes place in modern day NZ. Thankfully, this documentary and it’s follow ups (which have been shared on Social […]
The Australian Federal Police have conducted two raids on journalists and seized documents in purportedly unrelated incidents in the span of just two days. June 5, 2019 By Caitlin Johnstone Yesterday the AFP raided the home of News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst, seeking information related to her investigative report last year […]
Strap yourselves in for some dynamite controversial opinion and comment from G Squared! In 507AD a 115ft. statue of Gautama Buddha was carved from rock in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. In 554 AD a 174 ft. statue was carved next to the first. Both received UNESCO World Heritage Listing. They attracted considerable tourist […]