[ … for some reason. ]
Ukraine is burning, it is going to the dogs; it has been taken over by an illegitimate government engorged with fascists, neo-Nazis and simple pro-Western opportunists, as well as countless EU and US-sponsored members of various NGO’s. The West has destabilized an entire nation, supporting right-wingers and fascists. Then it […]
“My assessment is that 90% of the value of the US dollar comes from the US military.” — Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts For decades, America has used its armed strength to enforce the use of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, effectively making the US military […]
Research has only recently been able to identify poverty as a causal factor in debilitating medical conditions that leave people sick, unable to work and unable to think. Read the rest here
[ Season 2 of the David Fincher produced ‘House Of Cards’ is available on Netflix as of last week ]
In America today, there are close to 50 million people living in poverty and there are more than 100 million people that get money from the federal government every month. As the middle class disintegrates, poverty is climbing to unprecedented levels. Even though the stock market has been setting record […]