At the link below you should read what must surely be the most comprehensive and well-presented expose of the Ukraine situation you will ever see. Well worth your time to view and share with anyone open-minded enough. CRITICAL INFORMATION The following report about Ukraine contains critical information that all of […]

Lest you think this is a China-only issue, remember how the West slavishly imitated CCP lock-step initiatives with Covid mandates and lockdowns, then watch the second vid regarding the UN’s next step in the march towards 2030. laowhy86 Note how in this Redacted channel report by Clayton Morris, the CCP […]

We do not need protection from something that has been around for centuries.   From NZDSOS Therapeutic Products Bill – Save our Supplements by Making a Submission Before 15 Feb 2023 | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science ( Affordable access to natural supplements is not the government’s to take […]

Rebel News’ David Menzies and Tamara Ugolini discuss two Canadian doctors who claim euthanizing hundreds of people has been some of the most “rewarding” work of their careers. | Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, […]

In recent weeks I’ve been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when it comes to the designs of globalists. The mainstream media and others are now openly suggesting that it’s actually okay to be opposed to certain aspects of groups like the World Economic Forum. They give you […]

Science ought to be the pursuit of facts. These days it’s become the pursuit of funding. Big corporations profit from the resultant misdirection while getting away with health and environmental crimes. Editorial Opinion by Martin Harris 8/1/23 Your government relies on you having a short memory. A few years BC […]
