How in the hell did they know? This is uncannily close to present reality. Predictive Programming – Revealing The Method – The X-Files Also on Brighteon if YT takes it down: 264 views Dec 16, 2022 They always reveal the method. It is on you if you don’t get […]
Well, it has been quite a year, 2022. I’m officially dubbing it “The Year of the Gaslighter.” I was going to dub it “The Year of the Mother of All Mindfucking Global-Capitalist Gaslighters,” but that seemed like a mouthful, so I’m opting for brevity. CJ Hopkins Novelist, playwright, political […]
When Jordan Peterson says it like this, the under-the radar creep towards a Technocracy looks damned terrifying in its near inevitability. Take heed! Martin Dec 10, 2022 Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Jordan Peterson telling Sky News Australia’s Rita Panahi about why a totalitarian social […]
“Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier [in a battle to obtain a stairlift for her home] was offered an extraordinary alternative. A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so ‘desperate’, the government would help her to kill herself. ‘” And […]
Something you won’t learn at school, at least not these days. When I was at school, we studied 1984 and Animal Farm with a view to avoidance. Now authoritarianism is being promoted. here’s the antidote. MH Academy of Ideas Academy of Ideas Get the transcript… Subscribe on Rumble: […]
“The DNC and Biden Team knew they had friends at Twitter who would do their bidding during the election. And Twitter lied to the FEC [Federal Election Commission] about that influence…. But that’s just at the surface.” —TechnoFog on Substack AUTHOR: James Howard Kunstler Have Americans grokked that virtually all […]
Diversion is running through the MSM reports as the case of Baby Will and his parent’s wishes goes before the courts. Your health freedom is at stake. Editor’s comment by Martin Harris 6/12/22 All New Zealanders will be familiar with the case of poor baby Will who needs heart surgery […]
The escalating controversy over Three Waters – and an increasing realisation that the Prime Minister and senior members of Cabinet do not really know what’s going on – is leading New Zealanders to question who is actually running the country? By Dr Muriel Newman Today’s announcement by House Leader Chris […]
Here’s two items which, at first, appear unrelated. But why is the NZSIS suddenly looking to employ “Contact Tracers”? It appears that surveillance state measures are ramping up on many fronts both openly and clandestinely. Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana Mihalcea join us for a deeper discussion into […]
The Antichrist. The Beast. One World Government. Project Blue Beam. They are all real and are now being announced and discussed openly by the instigators, who are genuine Satanists following in the footsteps of Lucifer who thought he was “greater than God”. You don’t have to be Christian or even […]