Australia’s lower house of parliament has narrowly passed a bill for a controversial carbon tax. The legislation would force about 500 of the biggest polluters to pay for each tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. The tax is central to the government’s strategy to combat climate change, but the opposition […]
Amnesty International called on Canadian authorities Wednesday to arrest and prosecute George W. Bush, saying the former U.S. president authorized “torture” when he directed the U.S.-led war on terror. Bush is expected to attend an economic summit in Surrey in Canada’s westernmost British Columbia province on October 20. The London-based […]
“Peak Oil” is the theory that the world is running out of “fossil fuels” whose depletion will turn society on its head. However, there still exist dual theories on the origin of oil, neither of which can yet be fully proven. It is of great importance to weigh both theories […]
[youtube]INoBpTyIGIA[/youtube] [youtube]0k_W7N40OO8[/youtube] [youtube]6UOqKh-ooVE[/youtube] [youtube]4dmcUoPij5c[/youtube] [youtube]PL6BfAvNTm0[/youtube] [youtube]04OHp68pF_M[/youtube] [youtube]Wy0t5qwBER0[/youtube]
A government surveillance software scandal that erupted in Germany this weekend has spread beyond that nation’s borders, raising questions about how far government officials around the globe might go to monitor citizens through spyware.
More than ten years after the event, there remains a sizeable albeit dwindling band who, for various reasons, continue to defend the official 9/11 conspiracy theory of “nineteen Arabs with box cutters”. When their beliefs are challenged, some respond with an amusing stream of ad hominems, such as “you are […]
Three leading scientists, one a world authority on the composition of Anthrax, have produced a paper that presents evidence that directly calls into question the FBI’s version of events surrounding the 2001 anthrax mail attacks. The paper by Coordinator of the World Health Organization (WHO) Working Group on Anthrax Research […]
This is what we should be focusing on. Dylan Ratigan knows what he’s talking about and the way he says it is just too epic. [youtube]qI_P3pxze5w[/youtube]
Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests on the other side of the Atlantic, demonstrators plan to establish a tent city in London’s City financial district next weekend. “The Wall Street protests sort of inspired everything,” said Kai Wargalla, who co-created the Occupy London Facebook group. “It was just […]