You cannot fix a dysfunctional monetary system that is built on a fraudulent premise by simply increasing the degree of the crime. The impossibly wealthy families who desire one-world governance will stop at nothing – including the use of force – to complete their centuries-long mission. But arrogantly, they will […]
Read all about it here
Dylan Ratigan’s Network Moment (Aug. 9, 2011) lasts about 3 minutes & should be seen by everyone. Do NOT skip this. This is the complete clip. The action begins at 3:44. Transcript is below. [youtube]gIcqb9hHQ3E[/youtube] Further commentary on this clip from Dylan is HERE. We’ve got a real problem … […]
For months now the Libyan rebels have been infighting and progressively moving toward total discontinuity. [ … as men with guns & cash at stake are wont to do. ] Like I have been saying since the beginning, this was never as cut-and-dried as the mainstream media made it out […] Let’s take this with a pinch of salt, but via Izabella Kaminska of FTAlphaville comes a very interesting theory on why the UK’s civil society has collapsed. The theory — new techniques by British police have led to a drug drought in the country. Now angry drug barons are […]
Special US commandos are deployed in about 75 countries around the world – and that number is expected to grow. Somewhere on this planet a US commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that 70 times and you’re done … for the day. Without the knowledge of much of […]
[ I used to have doubts – regarding that whole ‘Controlled Demolition’ thing. Not anymore. ] [youtube]ma13I76Sb10[/youtube]