Former ACT New Zealand MP Dr Muriel Newman says there are “more and more people” asking New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to “resign”. “I think it’s the agenda that she’s rolling out, and I think it’s taken a lot of New Zealanders by surprise,” Ms Newman told Sky News […]

Dear Sir Madam 20/10/2021. I am wondering if you would be able to confirm the information on this social media post as correct or not. Good afternoon Ben and thank you for contacting the Parliamentary Information Service.  We suggest you direct this question to the Speaker’s Office for definitive advice . […]

Fantastic! Melbourne shows its courage! And now we are seeing the pushback in NZ too. More to come on the NZ protests, but meantime, enjoy this: Aussie Cossack123K subscribers There is more Aussie spirit in the crowd than in the Upper and Lower House of Parliament combined! The whole world […]

One year into Labour’s three-year term as a majority government, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s honeymoon is coming to an end. The public now know the destination she is taking our country, and it is not where we want to go. Finally, we, the people, are saying enough is enough. By […]

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra took a look at Josef Mengele, Karl Brandt and the Nuremberg verdict on the trial of Nazi doctors. The court that tried those horrific Nazis wrote down a code — a series of rules, like the Ten Commandments. It had ten points outlining the medical […]

After almost two months, the Biden Administration is following through on its promise to punish companies with unvaccinated employees. In response, The Daily Wire is suing Biden for the unconstitutional vaccine mandate. We’re not complying, and neither should you. Get 25% off a new Daily Wire membership with code DoNotComply: […]

An ominous parallel between the day of the Christchurch mosque attacks and a Covid lockdown in China. Martin Harris 4/11/21 This author well remembers the day of Brenton Tarrant’s attack on two Christchurch mosques, March 15 2019, a few months before Covid would dominate the News. The narrative being immediately […]

30 out of 38 patients in ICU are vaccinated. Most hospitalisations are vaccine injured. Myocarditis raging among vaccinated. Massive government/ media coverup. 3000 South Australian Health Workers Protest. WATCH VIDEO HERE “Must see before it’s deleted!”

…against a disease that poses no threat to their health Leo HohmannLeoHohmann.comTue, 26 Oct 2021 Ronald Reagan once said, “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.” He made the statement in his farewell address on Jan. 11, 1989. He was giving advice on how U.S. foreign policy should view the former […]
