“Utopian Socialism is Totalitarian Communism, with over a century of clear evidence to that effect. It’s all to do with control of the herds.” by G Squared McCabe questioned by Cruz and Graham. Worth the time; —————————————————————– With the suicide of Fox commencing 4/11/2020; an aspect of which is the […]
Pro-democracy politicians in Hong Kong have resigned en masse after four of them were expelled from the territory’s parliament. Sky News The legislators were apparently banished from the assembly for endangering national security. The 19 members of the opposition have confirmed they will submit their letters of resignation on Thursday. […]
The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. Hundreds of millions around the world deemed ‘surplus to requirements’ are […]
The Donkeys are well-paid functionaries for their owners. They always were, from Buchanan and prior. by G Squared 8/11/20 The current Electoral Fraud is not their first. The difference is, they have become more blatant. The yardarm is still there. If ‘The People’ are The Constituency, act it out. Because […]
Best evidence yet! Suggest you share widely. MH The Red ElephantsThu, 05 Nov 2020 (plus updates courtesy SOTT.net) According to CBS News, President Trump does not plan to concede in the event that the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election, and elected the 46th president of the United […]
There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. By Nick Arama | Nov 06, 2020 There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. Among the things, as we saw in the lead […]
BREAKING: Michigan County Clerk Allegedly Finds Glitch In System That Gave Thousands Of Votes to Biden https://www.bitchute.com/embed/ZdWbQdcEqkV1/Found Here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZdWbQdcEqkV1/ Martin comments: Interesting to note that Bitchute has been deplatformed and is looking for a new ISP. Any connection to the flood of unfiltered news that’s coming through there? Even as I […]
“While the lockdown is extreme, it was absolutely necessary following a recent surge in people not getting infected…” planetmoron Nov 6th, 2020 You might be wondering if this is this the same United Kingdom that was the birthplace of John Locke and Adam Smith, home of the Magna Carta, and crucible […]
Trump and his supporters must now employ “Democratic Security” strategies such as staging large-scale but very peaceful rallies in his support in the remaining undeclared states in order to stop the steal that the Democrats are conniving to commit, but even if (or rather, when) he’s declared the victor, the […]
Parisians caught fleeing the city in ‘dystopian’ scenes: 700 kilometer traffic jam! Sky News Australia It is “dystopian and deeply disturbing” the way in which people are fleeing Paris en masse as the country heads into another widespread mass lockdown, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. Parisians have been […]