In the first week of the Coronavirus Health Minister David Clark drove to a Dunedin park two kilometres from his home to ride a mountain bike trail, as New Zealand marked a week in lockdown. From Bens World Carried out under new laws in which Kiwis’ freedoms were severely curtailed and hundreds who […]
The New World Order agenda isn’t even being hidden anymore. Joe Biden is the latest and loudest voice to promote COVID 19 as rather handy and convenient opportunity to embrace a Chinese-style police state with open arms. by Martin Harris “And I truly think, if we do this right, we […]
Which movie comes to mind? Robocop? Terminator? Or perhaps you are reminded of the DARPA robot dog? One things for sure; you don’t invest in this kind of tech for something temporary. Welcome to The New Normal. MH Date: May 8, 2020 Author: Nwo Report Deployment part of a larger initiative to […]
Humans are inherently social creatures, and that is never going to change. [Be sure to read my comments below the article, MH] Michael Snyder – The Most Important News May 5, 2020 Within each one of us there is a fundamental need for connection with others, but now these coronavirus […]
This is not a leg-pull! Over the past few days various alt. news and social media platforms have been buzzing with two rather satanic and unlikely sounding tidbits of trivia, usually mentioned in the same breath. But is it just fake news or for real? by Martin Harris with thanks […]
New Zealanders are busy are busy patting themselves on the back for our response to COVID19, but someone else did way better! we could all learn something from Taiwan. MH Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity […]
Now that governments and mass media have successfully colluded to create the illusion of a worldwide ‘pandemic’, a U.K. ‘think tank’ headed by ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is trying to convince the beleaguered public that we should now accept massive government surveillance of our lives so that we won’t have to go […]
LEARN WHY the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie to protect its regime, and how it has been attempting to deceive, infiltrate, and dominate the world. Martin comments: A documentary that pulls no punches: The CCP Method serves as a catalyst for the […]
Neil Ferguson, the man in the middle of this hoax? He’s Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine. Jon Rappoportmalagabay.wordpress.comThu, 30 Apr 2020 20:07 UTC Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries? Does anyone care about his past? Why does he […]
I have been asked to share the following communication with Uncensored readers, authored by Robert Eady. Some of you may agree or disagree with this letter in whole or in part. All I can say is follow the advice of Chris Hedges: “Condemnation without investigation is proof of indoctrination” and […]