This reeks of a Chinese-style Social Credit system in the making! By MassPrivateI Today, I give you a frightening story about free speech censorship and watchlists just in time for the countdown to Halloween. A recent article in The Tennessean reveals how the Williamson County School District (WCS) is monitoring […]
Read the following article and “new” theory carefully. Read between the lines. But first here’s my thoughts: This subject is something I’ve encountered before with regards to many ancient civilisations. Climate change (usually cooling) is linked to a downfall. This has nothing to do with human induced climate change and […]
I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further. – Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back Article authored by: Tom LuongoGold Goats ‘n GunsTue, 24 Sep 2019 You know I think there are no coincidences in politics. Everything happens on a particular schedule. So when I see […]
Did you know NZ is signed on to a UN plan that requires among other things high density (forced) urbanisation, a reduction in private property rights & depopulation? Reposted from Envirowatch Rangitikei with thanks to Pam Vernon “For New Zealanders, Agenda 21 means the complete destruction of a way of […]
If it’s happening in Serbia, where else is it happening? Excellent research by CINS exposes another of the growing list of conspiracies that are far from theoretical! MH September 20, 2019 By Filip Stojanovski Activists of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), nicknamed ‘SNS bots’, have been using a mobile […]
The travesty being committed against Julian Assange continues as it’s been ruled that the political prisoner must remain in custody even after he serves his most recent sham sentence. By Jason Bermas via Activistpost Jason is joined by Steve Poikonen from Slow News Day and the Free Assange Vigil Series […]
Don’t California my [Insert State Here]: The egregious injustice of SB276 and its trailer bill, which solidified sweeping vaccine legislation into law, was enacted under the false pretenses of fraudulent exemptions, targets medically fragile children, and will usher in an age of medical tyranny Posted on: Tuesday, September 10th 2019 […]
The establishment gatekeepers of the mainstream media are fronting White supremacists as the scourge of the land. Yet this movement must have gone deep underground because members of this pale-faced clan are incredibly difficult to track down. Robert Bridge – Strategic Review Sept 2, 2019 Following the trajectory of Hurricane […]
Medical tyranny of the WORST kind in CA! Madman Pan, who is a liar and a paid pharma troll, should be prosecuted and locked up for his crimes, abuses of power, and conflicts of interest! NEXT he will be pushing for ALL adults to be vaccinated (for shingles, flu, and […]
Employees at the Three Square Market in Rivers Falls, WI actually celebrated by wearing “I Got Chipped” t-shirts after they were implanted with microchips by their bosses. Posted on August 31, 2019 (Big League Politics) The microchips are the size of a grain of rice, and they were embedded into the hands […]