Source: Anthony Moore Andrzejewski Open Letter to the Media: 1.You said nothing when Obama used drone strikes to execute people abroad. 2. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated. 3. You said nothing about Hillary’s campaign manager’s brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions […]
May25 by Jon Rappoport Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington? by Jon Rappoport May 25, 2017 In the last few days, the campaign to impeach Donald Trump has quieted down. We’ll see what happens; but is this breathing space and pause the result of a stalemate? […]
The following article was sent to me by Email from a contact, “Jack”. As with all controversial material, we ask the reader to do their research, apply logic and discretion, evaluate critically, and follow Uncensored’s motto “Think For Yourself”. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the author’s conclusions […]
Armed troops deployed on UK streets: Does this constitute Martial Law? Sure looks that way to me. There are of course many videos on the subject doing the rounds, I picked this one as Leak Project takes a good look at the various inevitable claims and theories. Is this […]
Posted on May 17, 2017 by Ellen Brown May 15th-19th has been designated “National Infrastructure Week” by the US Chambers of Commerce, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and over 150 affiliates. Their message: “It’s time to rebuild.” Ever since ASCE began issuing its “National Infrastructure Report Card” in […]
May14 by Jon Rappoport The Comey affair; lies and reality pass like trains in the night by Jon Rappoport May 14, 2017 NEWSMAN #1: Trump fired Comey. NEWSMAN #2: Biggest thing since the great Chicago fire of 1871. NEWSMAN #1: Bigger. How do we play this? The Democrats wanted Comey’s […]
The Peanut Galleries refuse to learn that 10 minutes of nonsense waffled by The Institution of TV News, does not make them fully informed about anything. The absurdity is, they want to argue their inculcated ignorance as a valid perspective, in contradiction to reality. The Liberals and Progressives rely on […]
Good to see Dershowitz is finally starting to get it. After Trumpism began, the emeritus one was making noises reminiscent of a little fairy at the bottom of the garden. Lost somewhere between Reversal of Fortune and Paper Chase. His espousings that SCOTUS would uphold the junk interpretations of Trump’s […]
America’s Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia Eric Zuesse The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published a study, on 1 March 2017, which opened: The US nuclear forces modernization program has been portrayed to the public as an effort to ensure the reliability and safety of […]
How does this happen? Six years of grief for these families and it turns out rescue teams have been down there and taken footage and pictures. This kind of thing doesn’t stay under wraps, especially under the circumstances, without someone wanting to cover up. Radio NZ Report below:‘extraordinary-and-alarming’ © […]