Now the pieces are comin together. Trudeau will may take desperate measures to restore his control. Is a False Flag terror event brewing? Credit – Greg Reese
We’ve been aware of this subject and the alleged evidence of micro scale anomalies in the vaccines some time now, but it has taken this superb article from NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science to bring the topic to the Uncensored News site. Keep an open mind. MH February 8, […]
The protestors in Wellington are by and large not asking for any paradigm shifting concessions. Samuel HillFrom The Platform: OPINION: New Zealand’s parliament grounds remain occupied by protestors opposed to the on-going vaccine mandates. Thousands of supporters from around the country have now visited the site in Wellington, with many […]
Protest now on it’s seventh day as of 14 Feb. and still going strong
David Seymour opened his fat mouth and pronounced that the first hint of rain would send all the Anti-Mandate protestors home. To the contrary, we “Seymour” protestors arriving daily! Honourable mention and runner-up award goes to Trevor “The Duck” Mallard who thought turning on the sprinklers would wash away his […]
Mainstream Media reports on the Wellington situation have been mixed and confusing. But what does one expect? Is this protest over or just heating up? As the protest stemming from the Freedom Convoy reaches it’s third day, we’ve had figures ranging from a “a few hundred disruptive protestors” to “a […]
Wake up New Zealand. The rest of the world is… Israeli Kids Shred Masks After Learning They are No Longer Mandated NIGHTBREED 5073 subscribers
Updates and coverage thanks very much to Pam Vernon at EWR Update Tues 8 Feb 22: The NZ convoy of protesters is now in Wellington at Parliament. I’ve read in an RNZ article the PM does not intend to speak with protesters (of course, no surprises there from the ‘one source of truth’). I’ve also […]
GoFundMe Whistleblowers: Thieves who stole and misappropriated ten million dollars from the Freedom protest. Here’s their address! The face of GoFundMe: Cops take Freedom Trucker’s fuel We will update as the situation progresses. Martin SEE ALSO: GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead » […]
As per the Canadian trucker convoy, a NZ convoy to parliament has been arranged. Arriving in Wellington next Tuesday morning all going to plan. The convoy leaves Bluff and Cape Reinga 6:30am Sunday 6/2/22 slowly winding its way through towns and cities to arrive in Wellington 8/2/22 6am (projected time […]