– Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Caitlin Johnson via https://nexusnewsfeed.com/ ❖ The most powerful empire that has ever existed, which is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and continuously works to destroy any nation who challenges its global dominion, claims that it is in […]

Ukraine having no functioning airstrips: a helicopter flew in and dropped an incendiary on the Russian refinery at Belgorod. No one was injured. The fire was extinguished. Minimal damage. Hardly an issue of any military of even strategic significance. By G Squared The acting Ukraine Administration advised it is not aware […]

US President Joe Biden is facing international backlash for an unscripted comment about Russian President Vladimir Putin, which has European leaders fearing an escalation into direct conflict with Russia. Donald Trump did not miss the opportunity to “pounce” upon US President Joe Biden’s latest gaffe, says United States Study Centre […]

A deluge of information and insight from Joyce Bowen. Please be sure to visit Joyce Bowen’s blog, leave a comment and a “like”, let her know her amazing work is appreciated: https://joyce-bowen.blog/ Introduction by Joyce Bowen I’m just like everyone else.  There are those of us who hoped Putin would […]

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and the consequent economic embargo of Moscow by the West is the largest upheaval in world politics since at least the end of the Cold War. The result will be a complete reformatting of the country’s foreign economic relations and its economic model, as well as Russia and the […]

Russell Brand was recently declared a “Conspiracy theorist” by the UK MSM. I guess that makes him officially one of us? Brand certainly seems to be wide awake these days. MH Russell Brand5.29M subscribers With calls for a no-fly zone in Ukraine as well as a massive increase in arms […]

Events in Ukraine have seen interest resurface in the business dealings of the president’s son with Ukraine, Russia and China. Is this yet another past “conspiracy theory” that can no longer be dismissed? Russell Brand5.22M subscribers #Ukraine#HunterBiden#Russia References https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2…
