Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Thursday said the US military has already begun so-called “over the horizon capabilities” for operations in Afghanistan, which is Pentagon jargon for spying on and bombing the country from outside its borders. Dave Decamp – June 10, 2021 Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee that combat and surveillance […]

I’m a clicker.  I click links until the ‘cows come home.’  The information Ms. Webb reveals in her article leaves a trail I cannot help but follow.  So I followed and dug further just enough to devastate me more.  Then I had to stop. (Joyce Bowen) by Joyce Bowen, This […]

Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God. The quote, attributed to Jesus, was more explosive than those New Testament readers unfamiliar with the 1st century AD political situation in Palestine may understand. You see, what the Jews had under Roman rule was actually […]

SOCIALISTS ARE FOND OF SAYING THAT SOCIALISMhas never failed because it has never been tried. But in truth, socialismhas failed in every country in which it has been tried, from the SovietUnion beginning a century ago to three modern countries that tried butultimately rejected socialism—Israel, India, and the United Kingdom… […]

Rocket Lab is now recognised as having being weaponised.First told it was there to take us to moon and protect us from climate change. by Ben Vidgen However major share holder include military industrial giant Lockheed Martin. While US owned Media Works TV3 and Australian owned Fair Fax Paper make […]

Resistance movements in Gaza are responding to a wave of popular anger over Israeli provocations in Jerusalem and at al-Aqsa. As I write, the building I live in here in Gaza is shaking continuously. Above us, Israeli F-16 warplanes pummel us with a seemingly endless barrage of bombs. Ahmed Abu […]

More Than One Hundred Retired U.S. Generals and Admirals Call Into Question The Legitimacy Of Biden’s Election Win Introduction – May 13, 2021 From the truthseeker As reported below, more than one hundred former U.S. Generals and Admirals have signed a letter calling into question the authenticity of Biden’s election […]
