Kate’s photoshopped image is all over the MSM and I wouldn’t normally bother, but there’s more than meets the eye to this story and plenty of speculation brewing. Did Kate Get Diana’d? The Podcast of the Lotus Eat Ning Li is a name that should be familiar to antigravity researchers […]

Controlling the Narrative? The snuck premise of “false claims” regarding Trump’s election defeat in 2020 is being used constantly by New Zealand’s mainstream media outlets (who are predominantly pro-Left). Without taking the trouble to do any independent research, one would conclude that Biden’s victory is an irrefutable fact. This may […]

The best science fiction manages to predict the future accurately decades or even centuries in advance, which is why you’ve got a HAL-9000 in your pocket right now. It tends to happen naturally, but in the case of Soylent Green, a worldwide cohort of intelligentsia, business leaders, and politicians are […]

The respect shown to the questioner, the lengthy, detailed response. This is why Trump remains the people’s number one choice for US president. Will Trump lead the west in the next war, or prevent it? It is worth emphasizing the essential part of Trump’s response to the question posed by […]
