When Jordan Peterson says it like this, the under-the radar creep towards a Technocracy looks damned terrifying in its near inevitability. Take heed! Martin Dec 10, 2022 Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Jordan Peterson telling Sky News Australia’s Rita Panahi about why a totalitarian social […]

In early September, I came across a New York Times article detailing a meeting between Ukraine’s Zelensky and BlackRock’s Laurence Fink, which caught my attention in the worst of ways.  Author:Olivia MurrayAmerican ThinkerThu, 01 Dec 2022 Brief refresher: Fink’s investment firm is “among several high-powered firms pushing working families out of the [U.S.] housing market […]

To be viewed with an opening and discerning mind. Great documentary that addresses all aspects of the COVID pandemic and presents a coherent theory as to what it’s really all about. Enjoy. MH Following the declaration of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the society in which we live has undergone major […]

Aman Jabbi is a native of India and an engineer who worked in Silicon Valley for 25 years, co-inventor of two cellphone camera apps. He emigrated to the United States in 1988 because he admired America’s culture of liberty and ingenuity. Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Nov 23, 2022 Jabbi now […]

Part of the new world order as dictated by Messrs Schwab and Gates is eating meat from the 3D printer or from parasite-laden worms and insects. But such culinary delights are only for the common people – the wealthy elite fill their already big bellies: with the most expensive steak […]

The following is a brief excerpt from a superb and extensive article via David Sorensen. Please share and sign up for this valuable resource. Spread the truth about Ukraine! Thanks to Jon Eisen for the link. The editor of one of Europes largest newspapers, Udo Ulfkotte, made a shocking confession. After […]

More confirmation (Via Bonesman Kerry) of the “equal poverty for everyone except us” agenda that the elites are plotting. MH Pope Francis also recently called for a ‘new economic system’ Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Nov 10, 2022 The World Economic Forum’s climate change agenda was “modeled” off the effort to […]
