Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to be in Auckland for the 28th New Zealand First Party Conference. It is our intention and mission to remain the most successful political party outside of National and Labour in the last three decades. So many scribes have tried, and continue to, write […]
“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”” To get people so high on drugs that they transcended their slave state and didn’t care about it”– Aldous Huxley Brave New World NIGHTBREED
Christchurch got a head start after the 2011 earthquake “demolition job”. Now Wellington is close behind and may soon eclipse Christchurch as leading 2030 Agenda “Sustainable City”. Here’s the article from Pam Vernon: IMPLEMENTING AGENDA 21/30: WELLINGTON COUNCILLORS VOTE TO INVESTIGATE CAR-FREE CENTRAL CITY BY 2025 If you have had […]
Plans for a film on New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s handling of the horrific Christchurch mosque shootings have been met with criticism in the country and accusations of “white saviorism.” by Ben Vidgen Postman Productions On Thursday, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that FilmNation Entertainment is bringing They Are Us to the Cannes Virtual Market later this […]
Trailer to a “must watch” documentary available on Epoch TV. Never confuse “China” with “CCP”! In addition the wonderful team at China In Focus have reached out and asked me to help spread awareness of their aforementioned new channel Epoch TV: “Hi Martin Harris, Could you please spread the words […]
A small, tranquil backwater nation, a trading superpower, and a strategic location with hidden military potential. The opening premise of Star Wars, and Samoa’s real-life situation unfolding. Martin Harris 26/5/21 Star Wars fans cast your minds back to the opening scenes of George Lucas’s prequel Star Wars Episode One, appropriately […]
Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God. The quote, attributed to Jesus, was more explosive than those New Testament readers unfamiliar with the 1st century AD political situation in Palestine may understand. You see, what the Jews had under Roman rule was actually […]
SOCIALISTS ARE FOND OF SAYING THAT SOCIALISMhas never failed because it has never been tried. But in truth, socialismhas failed in every country in which it has been tried, from the SovietUnion beginning a century ago to three modern countries that tried butultimately rejected socialism—Israel, India, and the United Kingdom… […]
Resistance movements in Gaza are responding to a wave of popular anger over Israeli provocations in Jerusalem and at al-Aqsa. As I write, the building I live in here in Gaza is shaking continuously. Above us, Israeli F-16 warplanes pummel us with a seemingly endless barrage of bombs. Ahmed Abu […]
Bring back David Lange. Yes I now he’s departed this mortal plane. I mean his spirit. We’ve lost it. by Martin Harris 7/5/21 The author arrived as a permanent resident of New Zealand in 1982, fleeing mass unemployment and looming threat of nuclear annihilation (according the media at least). Leaving […]