The nine parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA) negotiations made a dramatic and unexpected u-turn, agreeing to lift the veil of secrecy on their draft texts and background documents. Critics of the obsessive secrecy that surrounds the negotiations hailed the decision as a triumph for democracy. … The announcement […]
Brooker takes a satirical look back at the events of 2011, a year that included weddings both royal and gypsy, as well as riots across England and Wales, the phone-hacking scandal and the TV debut of Desperate Scousewives. [youtube]4coGerRh4ZI[/youtube] With contributions by American stand-up Doug Stanhope, Brian Limond, and Adam […]
If you ever want the truth about international relations, just follow the money. Axis of Logic columnist T.J. Coles begins his series on the destruction of Libya after one year of occupation of that country with an analysis of England’s role, examining the reasons that belie the myth of […]
Tomorrow – the borders of Israel could well be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of NONVIOLENT Arab Springers on their way to UN OCCUPY Jerusalem [youtube]BLM3CswkfQw[/youtube] and unknown hundreds of thousands of Internet activists will disseminate the facts on the ground as they happen. [youtube]ke5emJ7l2lQ[/youtube] The official site is: […]
The people who think they rule over us and try to run our lives will not let us lawfully change the government they installed after their coups of 11-22-1963 and 9-11-2001. I intend to reveal several possible exit paths from this present crisis. But first, I want to list 8 […]
Foreign Policy magazine says that Israel has a secret deal to use Azerbaijan military bases from which to launch an attack on Iran, CNN says it’s all speculation, and FOX News says that it’s all a plan by the Obama Administration to stab Israel in the back by revealing their […]
[ … and now for some happy news ] A new report shows viewers are leaving the mainstream media by the droves. According to statistics CNN is loosing 50 percent of its total viewers leading the list of losers in the media. So it looks like people are turning elsewhere […]
There is something disturbing in the nature of post 9/11 public discourse. Incessantly, on a daily basis, Al Qaeda is referred to by the Western media, government officials, members of the US Congress, Wall Street analysts, etc. as an underlying cause of numerous World events. Occurences of a significant political, social or […]
There are few things as infuriating as the annual report by one of my favorite research organizations. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute released on March 19 its yearly global arms report, with data showing that arms transfers for the past four years have increased by a quarter over […]