The problem, it seems, is a loss of balance. In the pursuit of profit, everything in the world – the earth itself, other species, knowledge and indeed, other people – has been turned into a “resource” to be exploited, often without care or conscience. Read the rest here [ … […]
The timing cannot be missed … [youtube]z6ONEm8NPbo[/youtube] Barry’s Al-Shabaab campaign is a real bonus for his home country of Kenya, Somalians beg for invasion … both on the border of Uganda. The timing is impossibly coincidental since Barry has been pushing it for over a year and it happens the […]
George Bush smuggled cocaine, ran terrorist operations, overthrew democratically elected governments, and sold stinger missiles through Israel to enemy Iran [youtube]OVaRuqbL6vA[/youtube] … then got caught, then lied, then became president! Then pardoned the people that did it with him, then got caught covering up his diary. George HW Bush should […]
Imagine Britain had been invaded and occupied by armed forces from another region of the world with China, for example, as a significant ‘partner’ in the ‘coalition’. Imagine tens of thousands of Britons had been killed, and millions had fled as refugees. This is how the Chinese state broadcaster […]
Nearly a decade after the heinous crimes known simply as “9/11” we can finally conclude with absolute certainty that our nation has been laboring under a very strong delusion about what really happened that day. Read the rest here
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They increasingly dot the planet. There’s a facility outside Las Vegas where “pilots” work in climate-controlled trailers, another at a dusty camp in Africa formerly used by the French Foreign Legion, a third at a big air base in Afghanistan where Air Force personnel sit in front of multiple computer […]