Empires are built through the promotion and backing of local collaborators who act at the behest of imperial rulers. They are rewarded with the outward symbols of authority and financial handouts, even as it is understood that they hold their position only at the tolerance of their imperial superiors. Imperial […]
These additions have been appearing on stop signals all over Waiheke Island.
Veterans Today Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, on Press TV. The subject is Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Israel and the recent spy and bribery scandal. [youtube]T4l79ES2yLg[/youtube]
[youtube]W0BRrwasGTg[/youtube] 95 percent of drinking water fails to meet international standards and water and sanitation plants have yet to rebuilt following the 2009 Israeli war.
Jane Kelsey lays it out. She is one of New Zealand’s best-known critical commentators on issues of globalisation, structural adjustment and decolonisation. She has taught at the University of Auckland since 1979, specialising in socio-legal studies, criminology, policy and international economic regulation. TPP Watch Website [youtube]tgYbFjmtCAU[/youtube] [youtube]W1F34ajO0GA[/youtube]
… to give pointers to the local money-hungry who paid a high price tag for a ticket to listen for an hour to this insincere, genocidal bag of arse. [youtube]5iu8yqj5F34[/youtube]
President Barack Obama says America’s improving trade and military ties with New Zealand show relations between the two countries are “growing stronger by the day.” [ oh great … ] Read the rest here
In four days the UN Security Council will meet, and the world has an opportunity to embrace a new proposal that could turn the tide on decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: UN recognition of the state of Palestine. Over 120 nations from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin […]
The same Norway in which 92 people were murdered in the same camp – where the day before a pro-palestinian rally was held Article 1 Article 2 [ h / t : What Really Happened.com ]