Israel is a land built on myths. It is, of course, not unique in this. Indeed in this way Israel is very much like its patron, the United States. In order to build and maintain a mythical status a nation must create a picture of itself from its very inception […]
Source: Carbon hysteria reaches its logical conclusion The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based “think tank” and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being […]
[ Because in order to kill other people for a living (or maybe even for a college education) – you first have to have someone help you to dehumanise others and someone to help you de-individualise yourself This sets you up for all kinds of life problems – later on […]
Source: Comment: Damning new evidence came to light last month that clearly implicates the Blair government in covering-up the murder of British scientist Dr. David Kelly. And this month it was announced that the UK’s Attorney General would investigate a dossier submitted by a former KGB agent, now resident […]
The internet is an intellectual jungle, where lies and liars are quickly exposed and savaged. That is the new reality. This is survival of the fittest, which means survival of the most accurate, where winning by spending enough money to force people to believe as they are told to believe […] The real problem is that MOST U.S. citizens are so dumbed down by the media that when they hear the truth from the likes of Ron Paul, it just doesn’t even register. If Chinese tanks were rolling down our streets, [and the Chinese were] kicking in our doors, dropping […]
Al Jazeera English Interesting show this one, caught an episode today where they were discussing the need for a global government, like it was no big thing… yikes. I’ll endeavour to post it when it makes it into the “pipes and dump-tucks” of internet land. Here is a good intro […]
The thousands of US officer reports from Afghanistan appearing on Wikileaks yesterday show how technology can imperil a military’s secrecy and operations. But there is another side to that relationship. The technologies used by militaries to kill by remote control, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, are transforming warfare. […]
It’s been one lie after another in the US media about the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound relief flotilla. No matter that the Israeli media views the whole incident as a debacle for Israel, in this country the Israel-can-do-no-wrong crowd is on overdrive defending the operation. As usual, facts don’t […]