Source: As the northern hemisphere struggles to shake off one of its coldest winters in living memory, controversy in Zion is heating up the race for global supremacy. Has a rupture of potentially seismic proportions set the US and Israel on a collision course with global consequences? Or are we […]
It was Gordon Brown as the then Chancellor of the Exchequer who paid for Depleted Uranium weapons which cause severe birth defects like those happening today in Iraq. Please see these videos- Huge rise in birth defects in Fallujah as reported by The Guardian-… Deformed babies in Fallujah […]
AIPAC : We’ll Take Over the UC Berkeley Student Government by Cecilie Surasky Why bother with moral persuasion when you can just threaten to take over government . . . everywhere? On March 18, UC Berkeley’s student senate voted 16 to 4 in favor of divesting from companies that profit […]
Of all the misunderstandings that guide US foreign policy – including foreign commercial policy – perhaps the most important and long-lasting is the failure to recognise or understand what national self-determination means to most people in the world. Or why it might be important to them. Our leaders seem to […]
As the world wakes up to the reality of the colonial implant in the Middle East known as Israel, the hitherto unthinkable question of that implant’s legitimacy is on more people’s lips than ever before. Thanks to the internet, which is allowing a growing number of ordinary people to learn […]
[ … but for god’s sake – don’t have yourself the first -frickin’- clue as to why you suddenly find yourself flying a heavily armed gunship around in someone elses country and -killing- people – and carving the country up into sections like a bloody cheesecake ]
The Vatican is the world religion, London is the financial arm, and the US Military is the debt collector for now … … and the American people are slaves to the Crown since 1776. Major General Smedley Butler USMC, 2x medal of honor winner (actually 3 but he turned one […]
[ If you’d like to know what is going on in this part of the world – from the eyes of multiple on-the-spot handycams ( rather than just having your understanding of what is going on in this part of the world – filtered and fed to you ) then […]
By Maidhc Ó Cathail* | Sabbah Report | April 1, 2010 “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” – Queen Gertrude, Hamlet. Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists […]