“Even Winston Churchill remarked that the control of the masses of Jews throughout the world by so few was ‘remarkable’. He couldn’t work out how so many scattered people could be so heavily manipulated and kept apart from the world.” – R. Allison Alan Hart views the myth and reality […]
Some video art / personal propoganda from Steeper33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bsYFU5w65Y … quite good really, (if A Perfect Circle is your thing ).
Japan is to improve access to water supplies in rural communities in the West Bank, following the donation of 193,960 US dollars for two projects on Tuesday. Through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), Japan will provide funding for a cisterns project in Hebron and the rehabilitation […]
Latin America has suffered constant aggressions executed by Washington during the past two hundred years. Strategies and tactics of covert and overt warfare have been applied against different nations in the region, ranging from coup d’etats, assassinations, disappearances, torture, brutal dictatorships, atrocities, political persecution, economic sabotage, psychological operations, media warfare, […]
Maidhc Ó Cathail names and shames the top 19 politicians, academics and policy makers – all con men and all Zionists – who lied and conspired to steer the US towards aggression against the Iraqi people. [ Iraq War Casualties ] This month marks the seventh anniversary of the invasion […]
[ he who dies with the most toys wins ] Article
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said world leaders are afraid that Israel may attack Iran if a diplomatic solution over the country’s nuclear program is not reached “quickly.” [ Wow … Israel is really -that- worried about being bombed by Iran ? How come ? ] Lula, who […]
The seventh Israeli radio broadcast an interview with Professor Martin Van-Crevel, a noted world specialist in low-intensity wars. Former Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Van-Crevel discussed publicly what he has been advocating for years in closed military academic circles in Israel and the United States. In his view, […]
[ will be interesting to see if this goes anywhere – Israeli border expansion through settlements is at the heart of this conflict. ] Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton rebuked Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday about the state of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, demanding that Israel take immediate […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGw3_U91utU Child pornography and molestation has been a camouflage for something much deeper – The Minister for Communication is attempting to apply general government censorship. How long will Adelaide Institutes website last this new onslaught against free expression on the Internet? How long will Adam Internet continue to host Adelaide […]