A “Must Read” article By Dr Muriel Newman, a perfect response to the Stuff propaganda documentary “Fire and Fury” (denigrating the Freedom protests) to share with your misinformed friends. MH Posted on September 3, 2022By Dr Muriel Newman In her post Cabinet press conference of 11 October 2021, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern explained, […]

Beneath the front-page news of Covid, Ukraine, and the economic depression (Collectively part of The Great Reset) something more sensational and troubling has been brewing. And it involves an alleged potential extra-terrestrial threat. We know it as Project Blue Beam, the “Last Card”. by Martin Harris 29/8/22 The ball started […]

The very fact that TVNZ has gone to such lengths to hunt down and censor our publications shows how TERRIFIED they are of people who can think for themselves and question The Narrative. NOTE: This item was originally posted 4/1/22 and has been reposted due to popular demand. Martin Very […]

For months on end, Government institutions have claimed they do not hold any data on deaths by vaccination status. But they have been lying to you. The ExposeFri, 19 Aug 2022  On the 6th July, a UK Government institution known as the Office for National Statistics, published a dataset on […]

In itself it’s notable that a professional athlete in the prime of life should suddenly die. That’s why it’s unusual that the BBC doesn’t expand on the cause of Rab Wardell’s death at 37, other than to say he “died in his sleep”. Aug 24, 2022 by https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/ We’ve cut the […]
