The problem we face is not racism. The problem is that the weakening by design of the Christian religion in the Western world has unleashed Satanic evil, and the West has failed to confront and constrain evil. Paul Craig Roberts – Aug 18, 2022 A mantra of our time […]
hidden agenda 2030
According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, who runs a crowdsourced project to analyze 300,000 Pfizer documents released via a FOIA request, 44 percent of pregnant women who participated in the drug maker’s COVID-19 vaccine trial lost their babies. Will Witt and Jonas VesterbergThe Florida StandardTue, 16 Aug 2022 As first reported by American […]
He outed Ardern as a bully and a liar and now the attack is on from the Labour. The MSM are turning on their “mistress” and Dr. Guarav Sharma is in the spotlight. The tide is turning. After an explosive interview with Mike Hosking this morning I had to hunt […]
Are you Awake or are you a Woke? Brainwashed or empowered? Checklist that ticks the boxes, forwarded from Jon Eisen: HOW YOU CAN TELL IF YOU’VE BEEN BRAINWASHED: 1. You don’t want to read any more of this. 2. You feel “offended” by the very idea that you might be […]
“We need to save our country from this government of crisis. Most Kiwis would now be aware that this country is going in the wrong direction. This is our time to get New Zealand back again, and now is the time for us to have our say,” Press Release 16th […]
While the following is addressed to Australians, the general scenario applies to many other nations in the current political climate. Let’s unite as one and end the division. MH from Richard Holme: To Whom It May Concern, I am greatly concerned about our immediate political direction. We are headed for […]
Rare moments of Jacinda Ardern, self-proclaimed “Single source of truth” actually giving us some. Truth that is. STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE… SHE ISN’T EVEN TRYING TO HIDE THE EVIL GLOBALIST AGENDA. NIGHTBREED 6040 subscribers
The opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games contained some bizarre scenes involving people revering a giant bull. Was this ritualistic ceremony actually Baal worship in plain sight? Here’s a look at this symbolic event. Vigilant Citizen – Aug 7, 2022 One of the things this site has proven throughout […]
Under a new law, Germans will be able to change their gender and first name without having to undergo any surgery once a year, every year if required. Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Yes, really. The Self-Determination Act will allow transgender, intersex, and non-binary people to change their […]
On the night before the 2002 election, when I was a list candidate for the National Party, I was attending a black-tie event in Napier. Before we sat down to eat, the host asked the local vicar to give thanks. Don Don Brash was Reserve Bank Governor from 1988 […]