Nukes are apparently too discriminatory. Nukes need “queering”. Please, please, someone wake me up from this demented nuthouse nightmare… Actually, I’ve got a really great idea. When the bombs come raining down, I’m going to get into my bunker, and they can go stand outside and wave placards and chant […]
hidden agenda 2030
U.S. government seems to be pushing a contradictory policy of war with Russia, Iran and China while destabilizing the homefront through mass migration and a weakening of the U.S. Armed Forces. Leo Hohmann Aug 26 Former Green Beret and War correspondent Michael Yon was recently on site at the United Nations migration […]
Was Facebook (Now Meta) Zuckerberg’s monster…or was it a DARPA creation? DARPA Lifelog: “News reports in the media described LifeLog as the “diary to end all diaries—a multimedia, digital record of everywhere you go and everything you see, hear, read, say and touch”.[4] According to U.S. government officials, LifeLog is […]
The Monkeypox outbreak version 2.0 is progressing along predictable lines, gliding smoothly from the “declare emergency” phase to the “vaccines for everybody” phase. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian Aug 20, 2024 The first step is to outline that Mpox 2024 is totally different from Monkeypox 2022. How have they established that? […]
Two-Tier Kier they are now calling their new PM in the UK. Does it sound familiar, Kiwis? Here’s a reminder. One admits it, the other in denial, both with the same agenda. Above: Image shared by Kier Starmer on social media of his meeting with Ardern in 2022. I’m sure […]
Remember the premise of the original Robocop movie from the 80s? Step 1: Refuse to arrest criminals. Step 2: Watch crime skyrocket. Step 3: Use skyrocketing crime as an excuse to implement draconian police state. I remember saying these Robocop movies were a warning about what’s coming. You can guess […]
Nanobots allegedly lurking in Professor Pfizer’s Magic Elixir is not a new story, but this latest info notches things up a little. Martin Harris 17/8/24 We’ve had many items sent our way claiming to have microscope images of self-assembling nanobots and whatnot allegedly swarming with vials of mRNA based injectables […]
At least 12 Russian civilians murdered, 121 injured, and 2,000 unaccounted for Leo Hohmann Aug 12, 2024 We are finally starting to get some information about Ukraine’s invasion of Russia, which is now into its sixth day. reports that the Ukrainian Army has occupied 28 settlements in Russia’s Kursk Region, […]
What is currently happening in the UK is unprecedented. Though there’s argument to be made it’s been brewing under the surface for a long time now, the sheer rapidity of the naked totalitarian onset has rarely been witnessed in modern history. Simplicius Aug 11, 2024 The UK began its long […]
As with most things, the media can exaggerate what is really going on, so you could visit most of the UK and not notice a thing. However, there is no denying that, for people in the towns affected, the protests and accompanying violence are a huge worry. Plus there will […]