If you’ve never seen Logan’s Run, its about time you did. Then this meme will make sense… Psst: Watch movie at this link: Logan’s Run (1976 Movie) HD (bitchute.com)
We all need laughter right now. Enjoy! She’s now outright admitting a two-tier social class system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdMSR…
Kindly provided by Jon Eisen Martin comments: I must find one of these much-referenced “conspiracy theorists”. Anybody know one?
Share share share Thanks to Jon Eisen LINK TO VERIFICATION: Coronavirus: Jacinda Ardern confident enough Kiwis will get COVID-19 vaccine for herd immunity without being forced to | Newshub On Tuesday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went a step further, saying not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those […]
Meme of the day. Like it? Share it!
A nice dose of perspective from Jon Eisen:
Actually I suspect “plan” would be a more appropriate description for Afghanistan than “fault”, and Junior here was simply following the Poppy Bush and Cheney plan, but you get the gist…
Kabul — Approximately twelve minutes after U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan, Taliban fighters have completely taken over the entire country. “Woah, that’s a bummer,” said the Biden Administration’s foreign policy team. “We didn’t see that one coming.” Babylon BeeSat, 14 Aug 2021 As the Taliban began its campaign of shooting […]