A new poll has found that Americans refusing a Covid-19 vaccination are highly unlikely to change their minds as inoculation rates have also significantly dropped. RTMon, 07 Jun 2021 More than three in four adults (78%) who have thus far refused to get a Covid-19 vaccination say they are unlikely […]

THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE MAKING HEAD-LINE NEWS AROUND THE WORLD ..this is beyond David and Goliath and beyond Lord of the Rings…this is REALITY being battled for at this very moment. Here is part of a blog post I am working on this very hour. It’s not yet finished […]

New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week. Celeste McGovern – Life Site […]

…and funded by the US. A total NWO job. A commenter on Youtube says: “Remember all the “FACT checker” websites that aggressively shot down the lab theory, suspiciously and without reason? Never forget they persecuted the truth WHEN IT MATTERED MOST. Those websites should be ridiculed endlessly and shut down” […]

Facebook has responded: “We proactively announced this policy on our company blog and also updated our help center with this information.” -Facebook company spokesperson Project Veritas – May 25, 2021 Two Facebook Insiders have come forward with internal company documents detailing a plan to curb “vaccine hesitancy” (VH) on a […]

The MSM: One day they’re aghast that one should dare suggest SARS CoV-2 came from a lab in Wuhan, next it’s “highly likely”, and with disturbing connections. Chris Chappel’s dry humour and informative presentation suits the scenario well. MH It was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. But now the coronavirus […]

The Ministry of Health has no information about why our hospital Emergency Departments are suddenly so full – and whether this may be related to the experimental jab rollout….. Its almost like they don’t care, isn’t it … or maybe they already know and don’t want to admit it. Pam […]

Unbelievable! Make sure you see 55 seconds in as he walks up to a TV in an establishment without his cellphone and it senses a sensor and trips the TV to connect to him! Everywhere he goes, he keeps getting a Bluetooth notification. (Pam at EWR) From markcrispinmiller.com Be sure […]

In 1976 the world was in the grip of pandemic terror….with the SWINE FLU. A rapidly developed and released V was seen to be humanity’s great saviour. In America THREE PEOPLE died after the V….And the powers that be halted the V program, as a safety precaution. From The Health Forum […]

ESSENTIAL VIEWING… “A report on the U.S. Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 Messenger RNA (mRNA) biologicals” From The Health Forum NZ group @ fb Dr Jessica Rose recently submitted a report for publication in a medical journal (it has been accepted and pending publication) entitled: A report on US […]
