If you liked the vid, please give Reuben a “like” on YT ! Nice job Mr Keyes.
Fantastic Lyrics and mindblowing animation. More music-with-a-message from Jaz Coleman and Killing Joke:
In This Issue: Peruvian Mummy: Human? Alien? Hoax? Uncensored presents intriguing images and information on this controversial archaeological specimen on Page 64 Sex Robots In Japan: our interaction with robots has gone from science fiction to reality with startling speed, and Uncensored examines the bizarre directions the relationship between man and machine are […]
What to make of this? From the Library Of Congress: Can it be some sort of elaborate hoax? Any enlightening info or opinions would be appreciated! Published on Aug 9, 2017 August 9, 2017: Books surface from over 124 years ago, entered at the Library of Congress with many […]
The good old days: Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Scott Pelley—and Salvador Dali by Jon Rappoport July 25, 2017 Salvador Dali, surrealist, was one of the most reviled painters of the 20th century. He disturbed Conventional Folk who just wanted to see an apple in a bowl on a table. Dali’s […]
While Uncensored is in the business of presenting sensational or controversial news items and topics, we do our utmost to check out everything that comes our way, and the old adage applies, that if it seems to good to be true, then it probably is. And don’t forget […]
FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT YOUR MSM NEWS SOURCES GUYS: THIS IS REAL NEWS! Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist resigns from CNN after being busted for Fabricating Fake News – Ethan Huff. Following more than a years’ worth of binge-publishing of fake-news about the Trump campaign, CNN has announced the resignation […] US President Donald Trump has defended his use of social media in a series of tweets, following a row over comments he made about two MSNBC TV presenters. “My use of social media is not presidential – it’s modern day presidential,” he tweeted on Saturday. Earlier in the week, […]
Source: Anthony Moore Andrzejewski Open Letter to the Media: 1.You said nothing when Obama used drone strikes to execute people abroad. 2. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated. 3. You said nothing about Hillary’s campaign manager’s brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions […]