Is is possible for “educational” technology to inappropriately stimulate and harm the developing brain? “…this is important because we’re technologizing childhood today in a way that is previously unprecedented.” Forty years ago, children began watching some television at age four (like calm speaking Mr. Rogers) now they start as infants […]
[ Sustained applause. The rest of the media in this country can go eat their lunch ]
. [ Map of Iran encircled by Anglo military bases ] As most readers know, the drumbeat for war on Iran has been building over the last several years in both, the imperial and alternative media. Our question is: if the US / Israeli regime plans to attack, why threaten […]
Funny thing about the way we were indoctrinated. If you were raised in front of a TV set, . as I was, as most of us were, you learned that life is about waiting to be entertained or seeing what you are going to get. Our minds move like sharks […]
Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW 1. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including […]
[ The newspaper that almost single-handedly dumbed down Britain (& then went on to inspire The Herald On Sunday) – gets knicked ] Police arrested four current and former staff of Rupert Murdoch’s best-selling Sun tabloid and a policeman on Saturday in a probe into suspected payments by journalists to […]
[youtube]DdyD8yZ68NA[/youtube] The trailer of the documentary We are Nabi Saleh! Check out https://www.wearenabisaleh.com for more info.
[ Even though it’s only still January – this still won. ] This year’s Winner Of Uncensored Magazine Best Video Of The Year 2012 . has been awarded to two teenagers from Toronto. [ Not an aerial photo of the Central Business District of Auckland, New Zealand. ] The boys […]