Lawrence Davidson considers the problems of private realities – the fact that ”there are people who do occasionally attain power whose private realities are fantasy driven” & the fact that “most individual realities are … the artificial creations of a manipulated information environment brought to us by way of the […]


Two of Glenn Beck’s fellow rodeo clowns ridicule “conspiracy theorists” on the air: For more information on how these robots are produced,   Charlotte Iserbyt has an e-book that is being offered as a free download: https://deliberatedumbingdown.com/index.html – https://uncensored.co.nz/2010/11/20/aspartame-sweet-misery/ – How Aspartame Became Legal  – The Timeline Sent to Rense.com from Rich […]


BitTorrent gives you the same freedom to publish previously enjoyed by only a select few with special equipment and lots of money. “Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one” — journalist A.J. Liebling. The Problem with Publishing : More customers require more bandwidth. You have something […]


Source: globalresearch.ca Since the dramatic release of a US military film of a US airborne shooting of unarmed journalists in Iraq, Wiki-Leaks has gained global notoreity and credibility as a daring website that releases sensitive material to the public from whistleblowers within various governments. Their latest “coup” involved alleged leak of thousands of pages of […]
