It is no surprise that a documentary film that reveals the idiocy and hostility of mainstream media would be trashed by, you guessed it, mainstream media, including (at least this time) The New York Times’ cultural section. If you want to get a good introduction as to what is happening […]
“I am an American citizen” said Hesham Tillawi, president of the LaFayette Islamic Center, who has announced his decision to file a lawsuit against persons and entities responsible for creating the present state of anti-Islamic hysteria sweeping the nation. “My wife and children are American citizens. We came here to […]
The Pentagon has a $27 Billion per year PR [aka Propaganda] budget just to spread disinformation about 9/11. But not all Trolls are paid – some do it “just for fun.” Read the rest here
Documentary maker Anthony Lawson argues, in a 15-minute video critique of BBC Panorama’s ‘Death on the Med’, [youtube]afBr10f38TI[/youtube] that the BBC’s “biased and often untruthful treatment of Israel’s worst atrocity since Operation Cast Lead should trigger a public enquiry about who is really in charge of one of the most […]
By Friday, September 14 (2001), the tone of television coverage had moved from shock to fury, legitimizing, even advocating, total vengeance, no matter what the consequences. This was especially evident in one of the worst journalistic innovations of the past twenty years, the use of the sensationalizing banner headline designed […]
[ This from the front lines of Humanity’s second ever nuclear war ] Compassion is sometimes a central theme of media reporting. On August 25, journalists across the UK described how a British woman, Mary Bale, had been filmed dropping a cat into a wheelie bin. The cat was later […]
[ … for those of us wishing to enter a ‘post’ post 911 world ] We invite you to join us as we host 8 panel discussions over 2 days which will explore the important changes in our world since the attacks of 9/11 and the ever increasing need to […]
Source: Russia Today You want to know what news sends chills down the spines of the world’s governments? Not “rogue regimes’” purported saber rattling. Not even bad economic data coming out of Wall Street. It’s news like this: “The search giant Google and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency are […]