“…nsurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any… Foreign interference in the election. Trigger emergency powers… Make clear this is China/Iran… used domestic actors”. So reads the visible portion of a memo, apparently intended fo Donald Trump, […]
Military and Defense
The sheep won’t find this content through the wafflefest Institution of (soft brain, fit-for-use) TV News. by G Squared Being ‘informed’ in the ‘Information Age’ [sic] is a proactive experience involving rational and critical thought. Pavlovian cliches, couched in syllogistic logic and ideological baggage are nauseous to us ‘conspiracy theorists’. The […]
There is some question as to whether this is misinformation or not… Since, as per usual, most news outlets are repeating the story without question, we’ve done a little digging back to the source… Below are links to several items on the subject. The real concern here is that while […]
…Trouble on the way… The Pentagon NMCC has moved to Raven Rock. COG activated. USSTRATCOM OP8044 activated. The WH has been evacuated together with the three selected Acting Presidents. The Transponder on AF1 was disconnected. A fighter squadron from Andrews is sending that signal. The Insurrection Act signed last night. […]
“These are the good guys” says the speaker. Are these troops here at the behest of their Commander-in-Chief, or those who want him arrested? Either way its a scene few thought they would see in their lifetime, but for those awakened, it’s straight out of the New World Order script! […]
Trump has never been one to back down, nor to be silenced. Despite the totalitarian social media bans, Trump will find a way. But the available tech has a sinister side. As you are all aware, the almighty lords of social media have attempted to silence Trump. The Technocratic Tyranny […]
Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx (alabamaeagle.org) Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]
Whenever the US Government releases UFO related files, I’m immediately suspicious. When it’s gift-wrapped in a COVID bill, the alarms are ringing. Opinion by Martin Harris This information has been floating around the net for a few days now. To summarize: Though you may not have seen it mentioned too […]
Two weeks ago ahead of hail storms and expected January flooding Rocket Lab launched its 96th mission from Mahia Peninsular New Zealand. by Ben Vidgen The mission was named ‘The Owl’s Night Begins’ in a nod to Synspective’s StriX family of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) spacecraft developed to be able […]
Welcome Back to “Normal Presidency”. by Lushington D. Brady at The BFD December 19, 2020 Joe Biden’s not even in the White House and the Democrats are already slavering for another war. Welcome back to the “presidential normal”. “Normal presidency” brought America decades of pointless wars – none more so than under Barack […]