Xi Jinping look set to be “President for life”. Trump thinks the US should “give it a shot”. Some serious NWO talk right here! Hong Kong (CNN)China is ready to fight the “bloody battle” against its enemies in its determination to take its place in the world, declared President […]
Military and Defense
An out-of-control Chinese space station with “highly toxic” chemicals on board could hit a number of major world cities, including Christchurch, research suggests. China’s first prototype station, Tiangong-1, will come crashing back to the planet between March 30 and April 6, experts say. It has the highest chance of crashing […]
A Mainstream News roundup of events shaping the emerging “reboot” of the Cold War, pus some analyses of who might fare best if war goes “hot”.
Is Russia really ahead of the game in Military and Defence? The author of the following article is in no doubt.
The “To The Stars Academy for Arts And Science” seems to be getting an awful lot of mainstream mileage, mostly focussing on sensational military encounters with UFOs, as this WP article demonstrates:
How does September 4 2010 fit into the Christchurch Quake scenario? There is a far bigger picture here than most are aware of!
Superb CBS documentary from 1996:
“Wanna Check out my missile, Donald?” Wow Vlad, that’s a big one…but mine’s bigger!” Put ’em away boys and get back on your horse! ..and these alleged super weapons are nothing new BTW. Here’s the MSM story: Putin, before vote, unveils ‘invincible’ nuclear weapons to counter West Andrew Osborn (Reuters) […]
Truth, or another Intelligence community disnformation game? Judge for yourself:
Excerpts from MSM reports on the atrocious situation in Ghouta, Syria, with links to full articles: Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, called on the Security Council to pass a draft resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta, a besieged rebel enclave in Syria. “It’s time […]