Coincidence or prophecy fulfilled? Make up your own mind, but you can’t have failed to notice the mounting Biblical references and analogies surrounding the “plandemic”. Judging by views here at Uncensored, the topic of the Luciferase “COVID vaccine tattoo” and the wearable tracking/tracing technology Patent WO 060606 has certainly captured […]
Mainstream media had a field day with the manipulated evidence. Here’s the real story! Trump asks for peaceful demonstration, denounces White Supremacists, explains the meaning of “fight” in footage you never saw. Meanwhile the Dems and the anti-Trump media caught red-handed presenting manipulated and edited evidence. Bet you don’t see […]
The oldest bank in America will now be storing Bitcoin on behalf of its asset-management clients, according to the Wall Street Journal. By Tyler Durden “Digital assets are becoming part of the mainstream,” said Roman Regelman, chief executive of BNY Mellon’s asset-servicing and digital businesses. BNY Mellon’s announcement marks the first time one […]
Confirms what we suspected. We are being harvested for our DNA. Back in 2017, we posted an item highlighting the CCP’s collecting of biometric data, including DNA samples, of citizens in Xinjiang, as usual these “guinea pigs” were Uighur Muslims. China Collecting Biometric Data From Every Citizen In Xinjiang » […]
How did it come to this? When did the police transform from servers and protectors of the people into inhuman thugs and bullies? Watch the video at the link below: Police arrest mother for singing in her garden ( And in answer to the questions in the subheading. This is […]
In a nutshell: It was a CONSPIRACY. No theory about it. MH Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers […]
NOTE FROM JEFF: This post contains a great amount of leading-edge information on Agenda CO2-vid 19/21, history of big pharma, origins of ‘conspiracy theory’, the vax: what’s in it for you…comprehensive “The Earth metabolizes, its charges and discharges parallel to the fluctuations of biological life and human culture…the cyclic patterns […]
Biden has been in office for ten minutes and Pax Americana is over. Yep, back to the old cold war mentality with looming threat of a hot war. Nuclear war with Russia and China ‘a real possibility’, top US admiral warns ( But…isn’t China pulling Joe’s strings? As always there […]
Below you will find a collection of CIA related UFO records. The Black Vault’s connection to the CIA in getting some of these UFO documents released goes back to 1996. Background Originally, the CIA would only release about 1,000 pages that had been previously disclosed after a FOIA court case […]
This is a tough article to read. The numbers are almost as disturbing as the crimes. From John W. Whitehead at “Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Even in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, there’s […]