Another catchy phrase emerges to promote the developing Technocracy. Where did it come from, what does it mean? by Martin Harris 24/1/2021 So far we’ve had a variety of buzzwords and catchphrases coming fromworld leaders and local council authorities that most readers here will be familiar with: Common Purpose, Resiliency, […]
A single PROBABLE community case of COVD-19 has sent the MSM into full panic-mode. Let’s calmly assess the situation. While the headlines scream “community case”, this is in fact (at the time of writing (5:50pm, 24/1/21) based on latest info within the last 10 minutes, it is actually a “probable” […]
MUST WATCH! And I’ll be addressing the Build Back Better agenda in more detail soon btw, (hint: it goes back a long way and involves several “natural” disasters) MH The Outer Light 78.7K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾 […]
What will Comrade Joe bring to the table during his Presidency? Opinion/Satire by Martin Harris 21/1/21 The Inauguration ceremony: It was like watching something going on the North Korean capital rather than the USA. Real popular guy, having to hide behind 200,000 guards and barbwire barriers. What a President, huh? […]
A brace of hilarious-yet-nearly-true articles on the inauguration from the satire-masters at the Babylon Bee. Most Popular President In History To Be Inaugurated In Secret Behind Giant Wall Guarded By Thousands Of Soldiers WASHINGTON, D.C.—President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American […]
“…nsurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any… Foreign interference in the election. Trigger emergency powers… Make clear this is China/Iran… used domestic actors”. So reads the visible portion of a memo, apparently intended fo Donald Trump, […]
The CIA has released a large cache of files involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs), also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by podcaster John Greenwald Jr. By Tyler Durden Greenwald operates a website called the “Black Vault,” where he has made the files […]
Welcome to Clown World… Where men are women, women are men (despite gender not existing) and adults identify as babies. The tears of a clown: Tears of laughter or sadness? RUINATION media 3.58K subscribers
Another Left Wing Activist imposter “outed”. This whole scenario is a sham! A BLACK Lives Matter activist has been arrested after a video revealed he shouted “it’s our house” and “we got to get this s**t burned.” John Sullivan, who was charged by the FBI, can allegedly be heard egging the […]
Caught playing both sides of the fence! A great expose by Ben Vidgen. MH “The following excerpt is from KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation (CIA torture guide) dated July 1963: The aim of the Alice in Wonderland Tactic or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee, or in its current […]